Pentamental Ep.4 w/ Bill Klaus & Donald DeGracia

I am still trying to find justification for your statement. The Brahma sutra says you will not return after attaining Brahma. I think that means you do not reincarnate on the earth. We know that some meditators and some NDErs continue their lives after realization, so we can't take "no return" too literally. We also know from NDErs and evidential mediums that there is a lot more to do in the afterlife than just incarnate on the earth, so I am wondering what you mean by, and how you justify "You are done. Game over." I realize there is some subtlety involved explaining/understanding things from the two points of view, the Absolute and the Relative but if you can justify/explain this statement I would appreciate it.

Lester Levenson writes in that after realization you don't have to reincarnate any more but you might do so to be of service to others. Or you might work from the spirit realm to help others. Realization could mean you are done incarnating but I am not aware of any evidence that it means you cease to exist or act. Your individuality after realization is no more or less real than before realization.

Levenson also gives an interesting analogy to explain the unchanging reality of Brahman. He compares it to a movie screen which itself doesn't change, it is only the images projected on the movie screen that change.

"To the Realized One the world may be likened to a moving
picture on a screen. He sees the changeless screen
as the substratum of the action. The unrealized man
takes the moving pictures to be real, and if he would
investigate by grabbing hold of the moving pictures, he
would discover the truth, - that it is just a changeless
screen. Grab hold of your Self and discover the changeless
substratum of the world!"
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