Trump Consciousness
Eric, it's important not to Fed Poast right now.

I can show you a list of men sitting in prison right now for the crime of saying things on the internet exactly like the above which they later claimed were merely jest, metaphor, speculation, or theoretical.

I'm not being a stick-in-the-mud or overly-cautious. Things have changed.
OK Gotcha. I think you're right.

I was proposing a hypothetical. I would hope anyone would recognize that except for a deliberately vicious jerk.
What will replace it? ...There is no viable plan for the post destruction phase.

This is what we need to work on, a replacement.

In the past people laughed at me when I said the system of Wall Street and their Federal Reserve Banks controlling our government would self-destruct because it is based on a false premise. I hope the events of the last four years illustrate how that implosion is not only possible, but based on history, inevitable.

There is a laundry list of things we need to do; clean the election system, organize a new political party, diversify into crypto-currencies, do outreach, harden our communications channels against attack, etc.

Busy hands make for a happy heart. Let's get to work blue-sky thinking up our to-do list.
Hmmm.... Starting to look like Chinese style censorship taking place. Who'd a thought hey?
I agree that the censorship has gotten out of hand. I understand if the posts are explicitly violent but not if it's just a different opinion. We don't want to go there.

Disgraceful. Such violent rhetoric to bring law and order! And yet.....





Even the blind can see what this was about. And evidently it was not violence.
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I am convinced these crackdowns are a big mistake for the liberals. Censorship is a sign of weakness. Shame and ridicule aren't working anymore. It shows they are getting weaker not stronger.

I think it is past time conservatives moved to uncensored platforms. If it takes people getting kicked off by the big companies to accomplished that, then they they are doing MAGA folks a favor.

If they really wanted to weaken the MAGA movement they should pretend to be our friends. Who is more dangerous, the person who is openly your enemy or the one who pretends to be your friend while plotting behind your back? They did the latter for decades, it isn't working any more because too many people have woken up. The crackdowns are a sign they are losing power not a sign they are gaining power.

They are motivated by hate and fear not by reason. They can't think outside their bubble (cognitive bias) or past their emotions, they believe their own propaganda. They have lied themselves into a corner and have to live up to their rhetoric. That is not a recipe for rational intelligent action, it is not a recipe for success. History has example after example of failed dictators who had the exact same problems.

There is an expression "they won every battle but lost the war". For every example of that, there is also an example of a side that lost every battle but won the war.

It might seem like they are winning now but winning or losing one battle is not a good indicator of how the war is going.

I think they are much weaker now than they were four years ago. They may seem stronger but that is just because our estimation of their true strength has become more realistic. Four years ago they won the popular vote. This year Trump won the popular vote. (Actually, it's possible Trump won the popular vote 4 years ago too if you eliminated election fraud but Trump still won by a much bigger percentage this year than 4 years ago.) That is a huge difference and now they are cracking down openly, unashamedly on the majority. It's a big mistake.

I don't know how long it will take to restore freedom and democracy in the US, but we haven't had it for decades. Now we understand the situation more clearly and that is a big improvement. Hillary didn't campaign much 4 years ago, now we know why: because she knew the election was rigged. Biden is only a more extreme example of a candidate who didn't campaign because he knew the election was rigged. Four years ago they underestimated the power of MAGA. They are still underestimating it.

In order to get past this situation we have to go through it, if things seem to be getting worse it is just a sign that we are on to road to getting past it.

Gab is an alternative to twitter.
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I don't really understand what is going on in this video but I'm putting it in this thread because I think it shows that the people are getting fed up with oppression. I have the greatest respect for how the British fought against the Nazi's and it is sad to see they now have their own gestapo.

This is good, and shows the system is working, right? If "hate and lies" were truly censored, then there wouldn't be platforms available to you. But there are.

Please note, I'm not saying that what Trump, or any of the "conservatives" flocking to Gab, are saying is "hate and lies". Those are just the purported reasons for Twitter bans. Anyone who has participated in this thread understands the difficulty of identifying what qualifies as "hate" vs. "righteous indignation", and what qualifies as "lies" vs. "unpalatable truths".
The most amusing thing on Twitter last week was them disabling the hashtag #1984.

Being curious: can these people themselves understand the cruel irony of doing this?

BTW, the ultimate apex of censorship would be a ban on debating censorship: one would be obliged to maintain that there is no censorship at all, the speech, expression and inquiry are absolutely free, and the forbidden topics, as well as suppression of them, are simply non-existent.
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Being curious: can these people themselves understand the cruel irony of doing this?

I don't believe so.

Remember that Twitter is a ultimately an entertainment platform.

Leftists go there to revel in a self-reinforcing group psychosis which provides dopamine hits they cannot acquire in the real world.

That being the case, reason, evidence, and logic are irrelevant.
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Sure. Society is a mutual contract between like minded individuals. Is that supposed to be a deep insight?

So what? You don't like that? You think it makes society and values moot? Great! Me and my crew will move into wherever you live and kill all the men and rape all the women and take your stuff. Your only hope is that you're stronger than we are and can kill us first. We're willing to take that risk. Are you?

Apparently my explicitly jocular reply to you (with the smile attached to emphasis that it is NOT serious) was deemed not acceptable by David and / or Andrew. Let me reply to you in a serious manner. In the moment I have no time for long essays, so I will be as short as possible.

What is "good" and what is "evil" - as well as what is "true" and what is "false", what is "beautiful" and what is "ugly" - is wilfully decided, and created, by the conscious subject; so, what one willfuly decides to be "good", "true" and "beautiful" actually is so, at least for the subject who made the decision.

But, since there are innumerable subjects in the existence, the wills of the subjects conflate, and sometimes clash, with each other; thus, countless suituations of epistemic, ethical and aesthetical conflicts arose.

How these sitations are resolved are up to the subjects themselves; there are no singular, universal standard, no external arbiter to decide who is right and who is wrong. This is the reason such conflicts are so intense: all sides of conflict believe themselves to be right, and others wrong.

There are essentially five ways how a such a conflict can end. The first is coexistence: the sides wants to remain together, finding something in each other they value. In this case, they decide that there is something significant on that they can agree after all, and use this area of similarity to maintain their coexistence, despite the disagreements in the less significant areas. Of course, any coexistence means that some concessions are made by all sides involved; they have to tolerate the antics of the other to some degree, and to limit their own ones to some degree as well.

But what if the agreement is not reached? Then three other ways are left. One of them is secession: the people who disagree on the highly significant things, too significant to concede, are leaving each other alone are go separate ways.

But what if at least one of the sides does not want to leave the other side alone, maintaining that its position are so "true", "good" and "beautiful" that it can and must be forced on the ones who disagree? Then, the warfare starts: the sides try, violently, to enforce each other's decisions on their unwilling opponents. Such war may easily become permanent and perpetual (such as in the case of Israeli-Palestinian conflict).

Or the war may end. Very rarely it may lead to some kind of agreement or secession. Usually, it leads to enslavement - a condition in which the victorious side deprive the vanquished one of its subjectness, turning defeated subjects in the objects of its own will. Else, it leads to extermination, in which the vanquished side is simply destroyed.

It is only in the cases of enslavement and extermination when one can - in some sense and to some degree - talk about "evil" and "falsehood" in more than purely subject-related sense, since goodness and trueness are freedom and wilfullness, and enslavement / extermination are based on, respectively, supression and elimination of the defeated ones' volition and freedom. And, only in the cases of the struggle against enslavement and extermination one can - in some sense and to some degree - talk about "goodness" and "truth" in more than subject-related sence.

In end, I may describe it so: the "good", the "true", and the "beautiful" can only be freely and willfully created and chosen by the subjects, and are what they are exactly because of being freely and willfully created and chosen. Any attempt to enforce the vision of "goodness", "truth" and "beauty" that denies, and thus supresses or destroys, the subjects' freedom and volition can, and will, only create "evil", "falsehood" and "ugliness".
I don't believe so.

Remember that Twitter is a ultimately an entertainment platform.

Leftists go there to revel in a self-reinforcing group psychosis which provides dopamine hits they cannot acquire in the real world.

That being the case, reason, evidence, and logic are irrelevant.
Group psychosis? That's extreme. So people that disagree with you are psychotic?