Witness to Roswell



I recently finished this audio book and thought it was pretty compelling. I'd like to hear others' thoughts on it, for those familiar with the book, and others' thoughts on Roswell in general. I never really took seriously the idea that there were possibly alien bodies . . . and I've never really taken the physicality of spaceships (too) seriously either . . . that is till reading this.

I've nevertheless read what seemed to be criticism of the physicality of Roswell, if I remember correctly, (from UFO investigators). Is anyone familliar with both the evidence for and against a physical happening at Roswell that could share some comments?
share some comments?
I have no familiarity with all the "evidence" - pro or con. I just want to share that I think it's amusing that so many people think they can get to the facts about a military cover-up. Especially in a purported incident that wouldn't require a lot of people to be involved, if the key facts can be uncovered by outsiders it means that either there was no cover-up or it was a stunningly unsuccessful one.