Your Map of Reality?

  • Thread starter Sciborg_S_Patel
  • Start date


Just curious how people see reality in terms of what's out there.

For example Weiss would divide the levels of a panexperientialist reality into Material, Vital, Mental. Humans occupy all three realms simultaneously, animals occupy the first two, matter that is just atoms occupy the final Material level. (But even atoms can eventually awaken in the Transphysical Process metaphysics.)

I believe theosophists have seven levels? Can't recall off the top of my head. There are references to the "three worlds" in Hinduism when growing up, but this seemed to correspond to three levels of reality perhaps in line with the above treatment by Weiss?

Anyway, just curious how people might fit together, say, the NDE realm, the place of spirits shamans interact with, various Heavens & Hells, wherever aliens come from & go to, etc. Not saying all of it, or any of it, has to be real just thought it might be worth a brain storm.
I think it is all like a "simulation" running in mind (God). Ultimately there is only consciousness, everything derives from consciousness. There are many levels including the physical universe each is another layer of mental technology layered on top of the previous. Consciousness is not part of the physical universe. The NDE realm is the spirit realm of which there are different levels. In the afterlife you go to a region appropriate to your mental condition where there are like minded people. Nasty people are together in "lower" levels being nasty. But everyone eventually gets with the program and will "rise" to the higher levels and join the highest group mind, our original nature, (without losing individuality). Initially in the afterlife you are with people most like yourself, but you develop and join with more and more diverse entities eventually with entities from other planets. Aliens can be from this universe, time travelers, from other dimensions, or universes. Generally they are in touch with more advanced spiritual beings but are not necessarily all "good". The distinction between spiritual and physical is not as black and white when you get into the subject of aliens. We think of the physical as separate because of our physical limitations. If you are not limited, a spirit or some types aliens, there is just one universe with physical and non-physical realms. Some of the aliens put on or take off bodies to do spiritual work in the physical realms. They are candidates for the intelligent designers of biological life.

When you consider the vastness of the universe, the other dimensions we know almost nothing about, the levels we will evolve to spiritually beyond earth/humanity, consciousness outside the physical universe "before" (what does before mean in a realm without time) the big bang in which time and space were created, it is not really something we can begin understand more than one atom of. We only know an infinitesimal that impinges on our physical existence. The cosmos of consciousness is vastly beyond what we can imagine.

This evening someone on facebook asked about New Age and my reply is relevant here:
I'm not exactly sure what New Age covers but I suspect many of my beliefs and disbeliefs fall within it's bounds.
A lot of the evidence for what I believe can be found on my blog and web site.
I believe in God, spirits, mental mediums, physical mediumship, animal communication, ESP, Sasquatch, UFO's, aliens, intelligent design, meditation, realization-awakening-enlightenment, miracles in modern times, near-death, experiences, death-bed visions, apparitions, reincarnation, past life regression, inter-life regression, children who remember past lifes, angels, some OBEs, some voodoo, the law of attraction, the law of karma, some forms of magic where the effectiveness depends on the powers of the practitioner not the ritual or spells, spiritual healing, Spiritualism, ancient civilizations unknown to modern archeology (not sure if they were high tech or not).
I can't get my head around the evidence for astrology, (Carl Jung believed it worked the same way as synchronicity.) but I think if someone is psychic it could work - the same for tartot cards, accuracy depends on the person using them, not the cards.
I don't believe in certain aspects of Christianity like eternal damnation, or vicarious atonement.
But I think mediumship and Spiritual healing are allowed under Christianity.
I think some of the evidence claimed to demonstrate ancient astronauts is misleading, but since they are here today I assume they were here in the past too.
I don't understand what crystals do. I am reluctant to say I don't believe in them because so many times my beliefs were changed when I actually looked into the evidence so I am reluctant to disbelieve something I am ignorant about. Our language needs a neutral term for "don't believe because of ignorance"
Most published scientific findings are false (cannot be reproduced).
Science, government, news media, are not reliable.
The world is controlled to a large extent by the elite, behind the scenes not the governments we know about and vote for.
A lot of the people who claim to be channelers of aliens, celebrities, and advanced entities, are fakers - they never provide veridical information.
I don't advocate vegetarianism.
More links
Physical Mediumship
Intelligent Design
UFOs and Aliens
Most published science is false
Scientific evidence for paranormal phenomena
The benefits of religion
Eminent Researchers - Nobel prize winning and other great scientists who believed in paranormal phenomena because of the evidence.
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I think reality is simply the endless dancing of two lovers. There is me, the lover, there is the beloved which is the unknowable source of my being, and the shared love between us that is an endless longing to exist in the beloved’s embrace and to gaze upon the beloved, and there is the beloved’s longing to be known. And this is all very personal. We each have our own face of the beloved, which we long to gaze upon, to know, and to love. To try and do this in the post-modern world is extremely difficult. One has to extricate the self from the rational, the logical, all the approved ways of thinking and give oneself over to the imagination – not fantasy - but the higher imaginative faculty, the inner eye that can see beyond the surface of opaque objects, see their transparency, their role as icons always signaling the source of all existence. There is not one universal truth, we each are individuals and we each have our own slice of truth, our very own crystal clear slice of the truth which is meant for us and us alone and points to the very heart of the one reality which is the source of all our existence. The only way to get to that slice is to dive deeply inward, because as much as we are in the world, the world is also contained in us.
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I'm inclined to panpsychism because it gives consciousness a place in nature that does not require a radical overall of everything, it is compatible with much mainstream thought, and recognises that as humans we are not special in nature, so much as simply a sophisticated part of it. We are the universe in a sense. However, I think it is pretty clear that we do not see reality for what it is, rather an approximation that we have evolved to focus on so as to survive.