Zizek -- Critique of Buddhism

Hmmm... I will try to find time to see the video but this:
"You can be authentically enlightened in the Buddhist sense and at the same time a terrible torturer."
doesn't stand a chance.

I mean, a crazy person can think of being authentically enlightened (in the Buddhist sense, or any other sense for that matter) and at the same time being a terrible torturer.
Problem is nobody else one will recognize his state of enlightenment. It's just his own personal delusion :)

The Four Noble Truths entail: behaving decently, not acting on impulses, practicing mindfulness and meditation, which help with self control.
Now, it doesn't take a PhD to see where the problem with the (crazy) torturer is ;)

ETA: ... not to mention the eight fold path ...
Enlightenment is bullshit. I love how people believe such a thing exists objectively. If anything, it exists exclusively in one's own mind (delusion) and is not available for others to observe-- leading to the obvious, self-evident conclusion.
I don't know anything about Lacan, Freud, Hegel or Marxist theory. I'm not very bright in that way. I experience ideas as they happen. I'm not someone who can "learn" in a traditional sense.
I don't know anything about Lacan, Freud, Hegel or Marxist theory. I'm not very bright in that way. I experience ideas as they happen. I'm not someone who can "learn" in a traditional sense.

Well, that is not what I meant. I have never watched a video of Zizek. I meant his WRITING is accessible. You should really read his analysis of Kung Fu Panda. No need of Lacan, Freud, Hegel or Marx for that!
Oh. Yes. I have a bunch of his articles that came with a torrent of his writings. I should look at those. I naturally started by trying to read his first book. Heavy going. His "Pervert's Guide" movies are excellent if you get the chance. They are chock full of interesting cinema analysis.
Hehe.. I only have one book of his. Never read his first... How was it? I was mainly familiar with him from his writings in the guardian and other places. And there was that thing a year (maybe two? I can't keep up with time anymore) where he was in some sort of argument with Chomsky. Then I finally got one of his books.

But yeah, his analyses of pop culture/cinema are interesting and I will definitely watch the documentary you posted when time (sigh... Time) about that permits.