A New Study Shows.......

I think Psiclops intention was whenever someone says "A New Study Shows" we should be incredibly wary.
Exactly Sci! From my days in newspapers I realised that any PR outfit simply sponsors a study about crisps, cars or whatever account they are representing, and on slow news days the media leap onto any old rubbish which in the end is a free plug for some product.
I think Psiclops intention was whenever someone says "A New Study Shows" we should be incredibly wary.

Which makes sense, I mean there are so many issues regarding science-as-practiced right now ranging involving potential corruption + incompetence.

Absolutely, but not just because of corruption and incompetence. Studies by honest and competent scientists should be skeptically regarded just as much!

It had been great that these issues are getting some much needed publicity. It would be nice to think that science journalists will continue to draw attention to reasons to be skeptical, unfortunately the details are pretty boring for most folk and I suspect we will continue to see overblown headlines for the foreseeable future!

That said much needed reform efforts seem to be underway, and hopefully should continue. In my view, receiving a government grant should be conditional on pre-registering your study. Not sure if hats been proposed.