Silence: Are you being serious? You expect me to devote my life to account for everything under the sun about this issue in this forum for the next weeks?
Tell you what, if you pay me 50 dollar per post (I think that's a fair price), I promise to spend on each one an hour of research and authoring follow ups with details, evidence, subtantiations, references, etc. I'll even proof-read my letters so that the grammar is correct with no typos. It will be a professional standard, honestly.
Otherwise, I think I have contributed sufficient arguments for anyone on the fence to explore further to find out for themselves. I'm not here to tell people what they should believe or what values they should have, neither am I paid by the industry like Eric with due incentive to fight for their cause (you say "expert", I say compromised).
So either pay me, or avoid resorting to bad faith statements like: "What then happens is what we're seeing here. Faced with having to support a position they've stated in absolute terms while being challenged by expertise, they typically try to push back (often from an emotional base) and ultimately exit the conversation.".
Certainly you cannot think people in here are suggestable fools falling for such a manipualtive & distortive conclusion?
I think this may just be another rub.
Tell you what, if you pay me 50 dollar per post (I think that's a fair price), I promise to spend on each one an hour of research and authoring follow ups with details, evidence, subtantiations, references, etc. I'll even proof-read my letters so that the grammar is correct with no typos. It will be a professional standard, honestly.
Otherwise, I think I have contributed sufficient arguments for anyone on the fence to explore further to find out for themselves. I'm not here to tell people what they should believe or what values they should have, neither am I paid by the industry like Eric with due incentive to fight for their cause (you say "expert", I say compromised).
So either pay me, or avoid resorting to bad faith statements like: "What then happens is what we're seeing here. Faced with having to support a position they've stated in absolute terms while being challenged by expertise, they typically try to push back (often from an emotional base) and ultimately exit the conversation.".
Certainly you cannot think people in here are suggestable fools falling for such a manipualtive & distortive conclusion?
I think this may just be another rub.
That's what I thought you'd say.
Lots of things look simple and easy from "the big picture view". As they say, the devil is in the details.
Even socialism looks great from the big picture. Every time it's played out in the real world, though, it's resulted in massive human tragedy.
Insurance companies are not rigged to keep you sick. Quite the opposite. We want you to be healthy so we don't have pay claims. So we can compete on premium cost against other companies that don't do as good a job as gatekeepers. We deny big Pharma all of the time. They have to prove to us that a drug works before we will cover. Ditto medical procedures. Your paranoid corporate conspiracy theory has no basis in reality. OTOH, your paranoia about government does have some basis in reality. So, I'm with Alex. Why on earth would you want to give the govt more info and more power?
Stick to what you know. I actually agree with your assessment of the covid situation and how the government/power seekers use perceived crises to expand their power.
That's the rub, isn't it? The intellectual rigor actually required to wrestle a complicated issue like healthcare to the ground is immense. Similar to many societal issues without obvious, consensus solutions. If they were easy, there would be easy and obvious solutions. But just because some are complex doesn't immediately mean there is an evil cabal behind the disfunction (e.g., "insurance vultures"). It gets quite tiring to watch this thought process.
So what happens in communities like this? Too many allow their predispositions to dominate their thinking. Instead of attempting to discuss and learn; they want to proselytize; they want to lecture. Maybe they've done a surface amount of research or perhaps they haven't researched at all. Doesn't matter: they present their positions as statements as opposed to questions or queries.
Sometimes, when we're lucky, there is someone in the community that actually IS an informed expert on a topic. (In this case its Eric.) What then happens is what we're seeing here. Faced with having to support a position they've stated in absolute terms while being challenged by expertise, they typically try to push back (often from an emotional base) and ultimately exit the conversation.
It serves them no good as they've failed to learn anything. Instead, if really interested, they could ask the person with expertise for more source data/evidence/reading and go through the rigor of actually educating themselves.
Certainly I'm no saint in this regard as I'm guilty of all this myself. The old saying about being unable to learn while your lips are moving seems to apply to fingers typing as well. ;)