Hard mechanical science is still fairly honest. The bridge either stands or collapses. The space rocket either successfully launches, reaches its intended destination and completes the mission, or it fails. It is difficult to hide the results and we can all observes them.
Social sciences, anthropology, public health and things that grow in Petri dishes or bubble in test tubes in labs are an entirely different set of circumstances. There are too many variables involved and/or publicly unobservable results (e.g. what happened in the Petri dish in the lab). There is much opportunity for fraud, foolishness and story telling.
Government will often = fraud because there is no accountability and no bottom line and there are power hungry people looking to control the message to remain favorable to whatever they are up to. The best and brightest do not go into government work. Rather, mostly small minded insecure people. Such people are vulnerable to corruption. Universities are now following the government model for the same reasons. A real talent does not want to hang out on a college campus being directed by a political board the rest of his/her life.
Alternatively, internal audience only studies done to enhance profits are usually good because profits are on the line. The analysis is either correct and resulting in enhance profit, or it wrong resulting in career limiting financial loss.
Humans are selfish, weak willed, sinners and they will commit as much sin as they possibly can in all areas of life, if they think they can get away with it and, especially, if there is something to be gained, like fame/status and fortune. Two thing that should never be under-estimated. 1. The drive that many people have to be accepted and liked by "important" people 2. The power of pussy (or the power of sublimated unfulfilled pussy craving) as a driver of behavior by men. Sad, but that's where we are and always have been. It is a rare person who consistently acts with integrity and honor and is dedicated to truth (btw - I think Andrew is such a person).
The study in question is clearly an information operation and/or a promotion for funding (both IMO) - the authors are clearly demonstrating that they are willing and capable of producing IO BS, hence, they should be funded by organizations looking for that, which, in turn, strongly suggests that the CDC, WHO, NGOs and US/UK governments are known by insiders to be looking for pro-covidian IO BS.
This kind of IO has been used by the CIA and other agencies, in foreign countries, to influence society in directions deemed favorable to the US and UK. Now it has all come home to roost - and roost in an all pervasive and very concentrated manner the likes of which I have not seen prior to 2016 and that I believe are unprecedented. Social media/mass media plays a big role in this phenomenon, but there are other factors.
Those familiar with me here know that I eschew conspiracy theories (9/11, Kennedy, for example). However, covid is a full blown conspiracy as far as I am concerned.
Brother Newhill, fucking great post, man! Where the hell have you been? You sited the power of pussy, but what about the power of shitting, disgusting asshole as force in our modern political currency? What about when assholes think they are pussies? Didn't South Park do an episode on this? I think that pussy has lost a lot of power, and that is one of the reasons the world is totally fucked up right now.