Good points. I think the exceptions are super interesting... for example, how is it that some people can go in for a hypnosis session and remember their past lives.
If you were given the option today while a living mortal to decide your next life and assured it won’t be the last one, and that the karma won’t stay with you - only keep the experience. But someone is needed to fill each role. Which would you choose:
1. A Buddhist who at 25y/o or so fully achieves one-ness and lives 55 more years with no entertainment of his self or ego.
2. An actual good Arch Bishop who lives an entire good Christian life.
3. A full-boar conservative veteran family man, non-religious.
4. A full-boar communist activist family man, non-religious.
5. A Mao/Hitler/Lenin level leader of historic atrocity.
6. A Prophet.
7. An agnostic (openminded, searching and loving) life-long.
8. A life-long preachy Atheist.
9. A rich man, life-long concerned mostly with riches.
10. A life-long homeless man concerned mostly with getting by.
Etc.. (Add your own if not listed)
Key aspect here is that the experience is intrinsic and not causal, meaning each is gonna happen anyway. And you’ll be jumping right in / coming off of a great life as the Alex T, loved by many..
Which experience would you choose next?
Man, don’t answer! I just thought about it and that feels creepy just thinking about it. And what if my decision now somehow carries over.. yuck!
I think the point is, This choosing might be what happens on the “other side”. And we don’t have the perspective while here (at least I don’t, I could barely think on it for a few seconds) to make that big a decision.
But if wanted to play the what-if game, I could make a guess at what Rob would choose - from an attempted 3rd person perspective.
So, in that theme (3rd person) I’d say I bet Rob would choose to be a stereotypical gay liberal activist type with overdriven personality dialed up to 11 or 12 and zero concern for outside perspective.
..Which is a terrifying thought for me, given how triggered I am by that person.
I wonder if that disposition is an indication of how much I have yet to learn about it.
In this theme (educational) I wonder if Alex would give major consideration to the Crowley dwtw path in the next life. I say this because Alex’s current disposition against the dwtw doesn’t give the appearance that it’s coming off having been/experienced it previously, but rather seems to be deeply concerned with learning on it for some sort of a higher purpose(known or unknown).
I mean this totally just for the purpose of exploring the potential characteristics of our relationship with the infinite. Not trying to Nostradamus or Dr. Phil anything.
Just noticed that each of those examples are full-on Be Here Now respectively.