Malf, how tasty was the pie? I hope it wasn't Salo-type cuisine. (Good to see you again... even in minimalist mode.)
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The illumination or insight did not automatically result from a better understanding of what happened on 9/11, but this opened the door to a broad range of topics and areas of research I had no idea existed beforehand. It also provided an understanding of false flag operations and wars for profit and empire. It provided a pattern to go back and look at other historical events and see the same pattern. Before my "real" education began, looking at world events was like trying to put a puzzle together upside down (with no picture); afterwards it was like putting the puzzle together with the picture side up and the box to look at. We can go back from the current war in Syria back to the Spanish-American war and see the same pattern repeating:
We don't have to know exactly how 9/11 was accomplished to see how it fits into a much larger pattern of historical events. And we don't have to know exactly how 9/11 was accomplished to learn how the CIA was involved in all sorts of now declassified nefarious operations to overthrow governments and control minds. We don't have to fully understand how it was accomplished to understand how the monetary system and international finance has created debt slaves with an obscenely massive gap between rich and poor.
Yes. Proof of building demolitions, proof of a coverup and wrongdoing by several government agencies, proof that the investigations that did take place contained unjustified assumptions and were of inadequate scope to illuminate the truth about what happened. We have a reasonable suspicion of several known individuals. No ironclad proof about specific individuals involved because there has never been an investigation that considered any option other than that the hijackers and KSM and OBL were entirely responsible - we need these individuals under suspicion put on trial to establish ironclad proof of their involvement or otherwise exonerate them. We also have motives. We have a well established historical pattern and declassified documents to reveal modus operandi.
Continuing the enjoy the dialogue. Thanks for the posts Hurm and Vortex.
Hurm, do you believe there are American government/corporate people who actively ordered the deaths of American citizens (i.e., 9/11) to further their political/socioeconomic agenda? (i.e., actual American citizens ordering the deaths of other (otherwise 'innocent') American citizens)
If so, would you mind sharing your best example with the strongest evidence?
Wouldn't that implicate former American Presidents? (Too many questions come to mind. I'll await your thoughts. :) )
Happy to have a respectful discussion and I realize there isn't much progress to be made on reconciliation of viewpoints here.
A question to the community: Why do you have conviction in one account over the other? I make a few presumptions in asking this question: I presume you are not a technical expert in the investigative arena (e.g., large scale building construction/engineering/etc in the case of 9/11). I presume you have not done any direct research based on actual evidence of the events; interviews of event participants/witnesses, etc. Generally, it seems, folks are relying on third party authoritarian figures as "research".* Both sides generally offer explanations of events that are often technical. How do you decide to choose the conspiracist's account?
* - Let's take one of the authors you referenced; Webster Tarpley. He has no scientific background nor engineering background as far as I can tell. No forensics nor investigative training. He's opined on several violent world events asserting they are false flags. Without looking into it I would ask how in depth his research is in each case. He also recently agreed to settle a libel suit brought against him by Melania Trump after he asserted she had been a "high end escort". This supposedly included a public apology and a "substantial sum".
Yes, I realize I am running down the road of character assassination. He may very well have done a perfectly scientific job with his book on 9/11. That said the Melania Trump event is a serious red flag for me when it comes to Mr. Tarpley. He's quoted as an outspoken critic of Trump as follows: "Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude." (Source:
Yet he asserts Melania Trump was a high end escort on that very same blog only to retract the comment, make a public apology, and supposedly make a "substantial payment" when challenged?
Then there's stuff like this?
Sorry, while I have no trust of institutions, especially large ones such as governments/corporations, I don't have any sense of trust in this gentleman either. They all reek of agendas of one form or another.
Well, that went on quite a bit further than I'd intended. :)
Again, I appreciate the dialogue and I would state for the record I am not asserting the events of 9/11 (or SH for that matter) went exactly to the official narrative. They both may very well have been uber-scale conspiracies. All I am stating is that I do not find the conspiracy theories (and many of their authority figures) to be compelling enough to breach a "plausibility" threshold for me.
A couple thoughts:
- I'm not an adherent to any official story as it relates to 9/11 or any of these events. I should have clarified this much earlier. What I struggle with are a couple of things: 1) the sheer magnitude of complicit behavior required to pull something off like this and 2) the notion that Government agents would order innocent American citizen deaths/harm to further an agenda. Again, neither of these "points of struggle" are insurmountable but seem unlikely to me.
Now, Hurm's reference to Operation Northwoods has been quite interesting to me. Surprising to me is that I had never heard of this prior to Hurm's reference. (Yes, I realize the ironic aspect to that. ;) ) Does anyone know what, if any, actions were taken by any branch of the U.S. Government once this came to light in 2001/2? It is a very weighty piece of evidence to refute my second "point of struggle". Shocking quite frankly.
- Reece, appreciate your post very much. As I tried to clarify above, I'm not asserting any particular official story is the truth. Again, its more my disbelief that a sitting American president (buck stops here and all) along with the massive number of staff, etc would order the deaths of 5k American citizens to further a political agenda. Setting aside that level of evil for a second, what about the myriad of folks required to execute such an event. Perhaps one had a loved one who worked in lower Manhattan? Did they leave them to die? If not, what would they tell that loved one? How would what they say stop there? Etc, etc. Could be I'm just a Pollyanna. Who knows?
Oh, and I would clarify the reason I came to Skeptiko: Refutation of Scientific Materialism. (Which makes me a conspiracist in some circles. ;) )
Provocation is one of the most basic, but confounding, aspects of warfare. Despite its sometimes obvious use, it has succeeded consistently against audiences around the world, for millennia, to compel war. A well-constructed provocation narrative mutes even the most vocal opposition.
The culmination of a strategic provocation operation invariably reflects a narrative of victimhood: we are the
victims of the enemy’s unforgivable atrocities.
In the case of strategic provocation the deaths of an aggressor’s own personnel are a core tactic of the provocation.
The persistent use of strategic provocation over centuries – and its apparent importance to war planners – begs the question of its likely use by the US and other states in the near term.
US Army Field Manual FM 31-20-3, Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces; 2004 edition. Made US Army doctrine (policy) on 20 September 1994; 219 printed pages. Written at the sensitive but unclassified level.
This sensitive US military counterinsurgency manual could be critically described as "What we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places". Its contents are both history defining for Latin America and, given the continued role of US Special Forces in the suppression of insurgencies and guerilla movements world wide, history making.
The document, which is official US Special Forces policy, directly advocates training paramilitaries, pervasive surveillance, censorship, press control, restrictions on labor unions & political parties, suspending habeas corpus, warrantless searches, detainment without charge, bribery, employing terrorists, false flag operations, concealing human rights abuses from journalists, and extensive use of "psychological operations" (propaganda) to make these and other "population & resource control" measures palatable.
A couple thoughts:
- I'm not an adherent to any official story as it relates to 9/11 or any of these events. I should have clarified this much earlier. What I struggle with are a couple of things: 1) the sheer magnitude of complicit behavior required to pull something off like this and 2) the notion that Government agents would order innocent American citizen deaths/harm to further an agenda. Again, neither of these "points of struggle" are insurmountable but seem unlikely to me.
. . . On a different note that came up earlier - I think by you: I came to Skeptiko initially because of psi. I still love the subject, but I see most of it as Tricksterish . . . and that makes it hard for me to say much about it any of it . . . And that leads me to say that one of the best books on psi that I've ever read is also, oddly, by David Ray Griffin:
That's the only one I know of by him, but I thought it a really good read.That's interesting... I only read DRG's 9/11 stuff a long time ago. Didn't know about his Psi/Consciousness/philosophy books. I'll have to check them out!
What about the hijackers (about half) who showed up alive all over the world?
What about the hijackers' names not being on the flight manifests?
all these stories occurred very soon after 9/11. Once the FBI released their official list of hijackers, complete with photographs (on the 27th September), these stories disappeared. This suggests to us they were only ever a mixup over names, and once the photos appeared as well these individuals realised they weren’t wanted men after all. and personal details were published around the world... photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world. Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco...He acknowledges that he attended flight training school at Daytona Beach in the United States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al Shehri to whom the FBI has been referring. But, he says, he left the United States in September last year, became a pilot with Saudi Arabian airlines and is currently on a further training course in Morocco.
"Facism allowed John Amery to convince himself that perhaps the causes of his unhappiness and insecurity might be located outside himself - in the actions of the wicked Jews, the exploitative capitalists and the sclerotic governments. It expanded his world - providing a home for his inchoate sense of rage and resentment, his narcissist's desire to be acclaimed - at the same time as it shrank it by prescribing the narrow and rigid doctrines of anti-Semitism and authoritarianism."
-'Traitors' by Josh Ireland
Sciborg, have you read this brilliant article? It must a mandatory reading for any modern "liberal".
And your psychologisation attempts do not work, BTW. The basic skill of any radical is rejection of claims to describe his rage against the system as his own fault. For such staunch critic of psychiatry as me, such rhetoric is entirely futile. There are countless times when the cause of our woes is in fact external; sometimes it is the genuine injustices of the modern social system and real misdeeds of the people on its top.
I should also add that objective claims cannot be refuted by subjective dismissals; the latter are simply irrelevant for the former. To reject 9/11 Truth claims, you should present a evidential and coherent rebuttal to their statements, not an insulting pathologisation of their personalities.
Eh, I think if you look at my posts "liberal" is hardly a description that fits, neither does "conservative". As for being smug, it seems to me this type of ad hominem often arises when the conspiracy theorist is challenged. The challenger is unwilling to see The Truth, cannot handle The Truth, and other psychological defects. I don't doubt this is the case for some issues though it seems to me one can just as easily make the claim against the conspiracy theorist.
If you look at the Donald Trump thread, I posted "conservatives" who promote a Russian/Trump collusion charge and "liberals" who promote the idea that this particular conspiracy theory is a farce. There's a reason I do that, it's so we can ideally get past at least some of the expected bias.
And that quote doesn't say anything about 9/11, I was thinking of a variety of conspiracy claims regarding the Jews, Marxists, Atheists making Luciferian pacts, Holocaust Denial, etc. Perhaps some conspiracy theories are true, and I've said as much, but I've tried digging into a few of these and the proof is always weaker.
As for objective claims and subjective dismissals, how many debates on this forum come down conspiracy theories "just making sense", a way to connect disparate dots with a varnish of misanthropy? @Alex is probably to blame for the increasingly low threshold of proof needed to claim one is following the data given the downturn this show has taken - so long as one can villianize those Alex sees as claiming he's going to Oblivion or Hell the door seems quite open to every pseudo-scholar.
Well, I never said you are a "liberal" in the sense which is common for the USA - that is, "moderate Left". I assume you're a centrist (which would be close to the meaning of the word "liberal" in Russia). Am I correct?
Sciborg, have you read this brilliant article? It must a mandatory reading for any modern "liberal";.
Is it possible the proof gets weaker because of so much disinformation on the internet?
Then how does one sort out the truth from what people want to conveniently believe?
A good way to see what might be plausible is to investigate the spectrum between outright believer and outright skeptic. Ideally someone in academia is willing to hear the case of a conspiracy theory if the evidence is there, given we see some willing to go out on a limb for aspects of the paranormal