Well I wonder about those things myself. It was definitely magic in the sense of a trick or an illusion. But I think that it was planned possibly from the time of the towers' construction... either that or the event's emotional power attracted a great number of synchronicities. But if you want to dive into high octane speculation...
There's the numerology... 9/11. Numerology is a deep hole, and I'm no expert. There are "perfect numbers" and whenever you have 1 less than a number of perfection, that symbolizes falling short or sin or evil. 9 is 1 less than 10. 10 is perfection in the human governmental domain... 10 fingers, 10 toes... and 12 is perfection in the spiritual government: 12 signs of the zodiac, and something to do with sacred geometry and the spheres in the kabbalistic tree of life. So 9/11 means evil all around.. in the human and spiritual domains. Evil tricks tend to happen in September because around 9/23 is when fall equinox occurs and that's when the veil is supposed to be thinnest between the realms and it's also a transitional liminal time between the dominant summer/winter seasons. It is the season of the trickster. September was also originally the 7th month (sept) and of course 7 is the Abrahamic God's favorite number... probably goes back to sacred geometry and how 6 circles fit perfectly around a 7th. So 9/11 could be 7/11 and 7/11 has significance for the Kabbalist and mason.. I can't recall all the reasons why, but partly has to do with Pi which is approximated by 22/7 and 11/7 would be Pi/2 which signifies a half circle or turnaround 180 degrees. And 7/11 (.6363) is a close approximation to the golden ratio (.618). So 7/11 together could signify a significant turning or balancing. You can break down the words... S-EVE-N and EL-EVE-N... and see the serpent (S) and god (EL) and Eve all together...
It was WTC 7 and the twin towers which resembled the shape of "11" which fell.
The twin towers are a very significant symbol in freemasonry and every Masonic lodge has them. One tower is always slightly higher than the other and they symbolize the sun and moon.
Anyway... I could go on... it's a good excercise to jog my memory, but I'm not sure if this is the kind of stuff you're looking for?
Thank you for the thoughtful response, Hurmanetar, and yes along these lines -- just trying to explore a number of other potential layers that seem so unbelievable to my once largely materialist world view, but somehow all point to the potentially metaphysical/esoteric.
Even before I stumbled upon 9/11 Truth (in 2013, very late to the party), it always struck me as very odd that this event occurred on 9/11, the number we all associate with "emergency" or "help." It just seemed very strange. Did radical Muslims living in caves in Afghanistan really understand our American association with 911 and how picking this particular day would really mess with our collective psyches? It was an inverse of what we had previously associated those numbers with....
Now, of course, I am willing to entertain the possibility that it wasn't just a military/intelligence services false flag with the goal of ushering in the Patriot Act and continuing profitable wars of aggression in the Middle East. That, too, of course, but there seems, possibly, to be far more. I'll quote the "Synchromystic blogger" Mark LeClair (as quoted in SK Bain's book) here:
"Any open minded meditation upon September 11, 2001 floods the mind with at first incomprehensible riddles. The brave seek answers and begin to connect the dots. A shape begins to appear. The seeker can stop with a complete hypothesis: evil men, shadow men, bankers and oilmen, a secret one-world power. Some seekers go deeper into the woods: Satanic Goofball Cultists and their midnight rituals. Nazi connections. The Fourth Reich steps out from behind the American Flag. Not satisfied, a few scrabble onward: an at least rudimentary knowledge of Occult Technology is a must have. Occult science is that of metaphor and the big truth of 9/11 is that it is a Hierophantic event, planned for two-thousand years by the priests of On and Tibet and altogether inevitable. Beyond this third degree, aspirants court the Abyss itself, gaze into the yawning yaw of Yah-Weh and cry out: More Light!"
Crazy, right? How the heck did I get here? I'm really rather normal. And yet... it kind of makes sense if you consider the Gnostic world view. SK Bain's book suggests that, in addition to the obvious hegemonic goals, 9/11 was a mass sacrificial ritual with various other occult goals/intentions, using dark "magick" to cause ripples in the fabric of our manifested reality to usher in a "dark" age. He also suggests that 9/11 was also paying homage to Aleister Crowley, who stated that: "Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will."
But assuming Bain's theory has any basis in fact -- i.e. that there really were/are high level occult practitioners who included this additional layer to the 9/11 operation, is Majck real? Can simply using the "numbers" of (dark) magick during certain astrological alignments create real effects? Why? Or, really, is all of this just another aspect of a highly sophisticated psy-op that uses occult mumbo jumbo to scare/traumatize the masses and set off certain conspiracy-leaning persons?
I don't have any answers, but I guess I'm trying to go deeper into these particular woods at the moment. I'd love to toss this around a bit, but maybe it makes sense to take this conversation private with other members who have already crossed the 9/11 Truth Abyss and who are open to exploring this aspect of our strange strange world.