Thanks for the compliment. As regards Bernardo, I regard him very highly. Personally, I don't believe he thinks consciousness is fundamental simply as an exercise in nomenclature. Language is a fickle thing, and the word "consciousness" is based, like all words, on how we experience the world. Still, language is all we have to be able to converse. You could call it floccinaucinihilipilification if you wanted to, but plainly, whatever consciousness is, it isn't anything material. Nor is gravity, for that matter, but leave that aside.
"Consciousness" is the nearest concept we have to an intelligent underlying principle of the universe that in the end is absolutely every"thing". Nothing we perceive, in my opinion, is a true representation of aspects of reality. Rather, our perceptions, like the dashboard on an airplane for the sky being navigated, merely represent whatever is external to our psyches.
To see reality as it actually is would, as Bernardo puts it, dissove us into an entropic soup. We just couldn't handle it. So we see the world as it appears (neglecting psychedelic or spiritual experiences) in order to help us adapt and survive. But none of it is real, rather just consistent from person to person, and luckily, enough for us to be able to learn about ourselves and others and so evolve as dissociated alters of universal consciousness. Or as floccinauccinihilipilifications, call it however you will.