Dean Radin, Quantum Consciousness Experiments |545|

Just finished listening to the episode. Totally enjoyed it. Highly recommend anyone who may have been turned off at the beginning to carry it though. There's some great classic Skeptiko pushback, and Dean stands his ground pretty well.
I think particular conversation should have a "Round 2: Level 3"
Comments were a mixed bag, but I'll give it a go.
So many "interesting" perspectives...
OK, now I am at the end, and I have to say that Dean's response to the m-RNA vaccines shocked me. I mean one of the problems with the m-RNA technique (with either the Pfizer or AZ approach) is that the m-RNA may end up in other kinds of cells - not just in the muscle cells. That means for example, the endothelial cells which line the blood vessels might get this m-RNA inside them and start expressing spike protein. If the immune system targets these cells, a blood clot will form - which is exactly what seems to have happened to many young people - particularly sports people who have keeled over dead or dying on the pitch.

However, it seems to me that everything we know about the afterlife (assuming it is real) suggests that we do have direct consciousness interconnections between ourselves and others in that realm. I suppose that could be called the 'hive mind'.

New study from Sweden suggests, Pfizer mRNA does indeed integrate into our DNA
I found the idea of "dying," the permanent end of my monkey suit, easy to accept. Of course, my ego revolted at the idea, & for a long time I thought that was all it was, a mind-based reflection of the need to live or survive and/or to avoid the pain of injury, disability, or death. There are other parts of me that quietly affirm that the body's & ego's death are not the end of me. This is supported by a common NDE report of the One As Many or the Many As One. I believe it's A. Moorjani who described it as being being one tiny facet in a hollow "disco ball" of infinite proportions. Another NDEr said, while experiencing having a seat in an unlimited auditorium of 360 degrees, he heard the entire "thing" tell him "I love you, Andy." So, I don't have an end to worry about b/c my Knower aspect is one of the Many as One. The One as Many never is born or alive, but the Many can have the experience. I hope that helps.
The key issue in what you're saying there is what you mean by the word "me". Is a copy of you still "you". As you start to work through what that all involves, it becomes clear that the only thing any afterverse version of you can be is some kind of copy.
Thanx for your persistent support of a brain being necessary for consciousness, but there's far too much evidence that, at best, it's a filter & fantastically complex sensory processing unit. I'm thanking you b/c this discussion is motivating me to get back into H. Percival's Thinking & Destiny.

As Michael Cremo has pointed out, in many ways we still don't have a sound idea of what a human being is. Percival has contributed greatly to solving that puzzle.

I'd like you to elaborate more on some of that because it's all relevant to the discussion. For now it's fair to say that the brain is much more than a filter and sensory processing unit. Yes it does those things, but it also has intelligence. So it doesn't simply filter like a strainer. It filters intelligently, and makes decisions based on that process. It also has auto correction and memory. It also directly affects personality, along with all the biochemical processes that are involved elsewhere in the body that also affect personality — and there's mountains of evidence for this.

So you have to start wondering, if there is some afterverse version of a person, what is taking over for all that? Logically, it has to be some other sensory processing center, some other intelligence processing center, and some other set of variables capable of duplicating all the memory functions and chemical reactions that make your personality identical to what it was when your now dead body was doing it — in essence you have become a copy. You might think you're not. But logically, you have to be, because the original is now a pile of ashes sitting in an urn.

So be good to yourself in this life, so that your afterverse copy has an easier time of it ;)
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Fantastic interview. Two in a row!
My main thoughts:
1. Radin is magic.
2. I love how he pushed back on the vaccine skepticism with the same concerns I have- is this causation? As I point out there's a tendency for people to run with politics first and not the science. You may be right, but let's do the work. I'm not convinced.
3. If there's one thing that frustrates me is the long lead-ins to the shows lately. I don't need the lily gilded, just get into the discussion. My main concern is Alex guiding our thoughts on the interviews before we've ever heard them. I guess I grew up with the CBC where we have interviews, and that's it. I don't want to know about what I should know about what I'm going to know. I just want to get to it.
It's strange how things w/ the vax & masking continue in the Philippines. A security guard friend who talks to very large numbers of ppl told me he thinks filipinos are immune to COVID. Of course, he's run across hardly anyone who's had it, but that's an immunity issue, not a causation one for him. The ppl getting vaccines here? Who knows how that's changed b/c no one takes any time to check the fake vax cards that are used to get into the places that require them, So, it's hard to tell what is going on here especially.
Radin's first response to the genetic aspect of COVID vaccine treatment was that old, "Any treatment carries risk." What's scary about that is, oh, well, ppl get sick & die, so we have to accept that's going to happen. I'm sorry, but that kind of answer is to me a very real acknowledgement of the poisonous effect of materialism. We're just meat popsicles anyway, so take a jab & be willing to take one for the team. People's lives don't matter, life doesn't matter in general.
But, no, I don't think he's another Doc Mengele, but that response to the dead & seriously sickened is all too common to take lightly, even from him.
I have that book. Haven't gotten into it yet. Have a few of his others as well. Same.
Trying to finish Journey Into the Light by Isha Schwaller de Lubicz (fourth or fifth time) and The Zelator by Mark Hedsel (first time) first.
And I have this beautiful oversized hardcover copy of Le Pater by Alphonse Mucha compiled by Thomas Negovan I got for Christmas...
T&D reminds me of other approaches, perhaps Theosophy related. Or A Vision by WB Yeats.
I'd be interested in discussions. Clif High's favorite book to read and reread T&D is.
Mine is Opening of the Way by Isha.
I'm very glad I have been reading Thinking & Destiny b/c some of his insights are fascinating & strangely calming. Like he says our feeling & desire aspect accompanies each new incarnation that our souls take, which go through a cycle of twelve (one for each astrological sign?) before starting over again. This feeling & desire facet is our vehicle of expression, so the philosophies that teach that ridding ourselves of desire & muting feelings are ridiculously counter productive activities.
For some, his idea that the soul enters the newborn's body accompanied by the breath, a trait of our feeling/desire vehicle, so a baby is not alive until it breathes & a person's body has died when breathing stops. This point take the wind out of the baby killing so passionately cried about by Forced Birthers; abortion stops a beating heart, but that's all that happens since the soul hasn't arrived yet.
In men, desire is dominant over feeling while women are dominated by feeling over desire. Also, Percival says we don't have 5 senses, only 4. Feeling is wrongly associated w/ touch, like what "she said touched me deeply." I don't fully understand how touch is not a sense, but I guess I will learn more later. It's fairly dense stuff at times, so I hope you'll start it & stay w/ it.
I'd like you to elaborate more on some of that because it's all relevant to the discussion. For now it's fair to say that the brain is much more than a filter and sensory processing unit. Yes it does those things, but it also has intelligence. So it doesn't simply filter like a strainer. It filters intelligently, and makes decisions based on that process. It also has auto correction and memory. It also directly affects personality, along with all the biochemical processes that are involved elsewhere in the body that also affect personality — and there's mountains of evidence for this.

So you have to start wondering, if there is some afterverse version of a person, what is taking over for all that? Logically, it has to be some other sensory processing center, some other intelligence processing center, and some other set of variables capable of duplicating all the memory functions and chemical reactions that make your personality identical to what it was when your now dead body was doing it — in essence you have become a copy. You might think you're not. But logically, you have to be, because the original is now a pile of ashes sitting in an urn.

So be good to yourself in this life, so that your afterverse copy has an easier time of it ;)
I guess you've heard that memory is stored through out the body. Eben Alexander has a chapter or two on that in "Living in a Mindful Universe." As you may know, he didn't know his family or friends after coming out of his coma, but his memory slowly returned. My materialist brother told me a professor at Texas Tech was in an auto accident that cost him 70% of his brain, but he relearned to walk & later returned to his job.
I've heard the solar plexus called the body's brain, so maybe that's a spot for peripheral memory storage. What about that story Alex had about the EEG record of a brain active long after the rest of the person had "died?"
What I'm trying to get at here is the brain must not be that critical since it was turned into a bag of pus (the forebrain at least) in Eben's case or a measly 30% was all that was required to rebuild Herr Professor. I'm back to H. Percival's Triune Self: Knower, Thinker, & Feeling/Desire (Soul) aren't dependent on a body that is the current model of transportation & housing, so when the dense body goes, the permanent aspects aren't effected.
Sorry! That's the best I've got.
But not really! This is what is unnerving to me: how many ppl haven't or maybe can't detect the Knower (silent Witness, the Observer, etc)? Percival goes right there & says so many of us don't know our families (who are these ppl?) or feel like strangers or passing travelers from very early in life.
I used to admire Dean Radin's approach to research. Now I'm not so sure, at least when it comes to his avowed enthusiasm for CRISPR gene editing. He's far from being alone amongst scientists in referring to the phenomena that underlie natural processes as 'mechanisms' without giving it a second thought. The same fallacy occurs in just about all western scientific literature and is - I believe - no small contributor to the mess we find ourselves in today. Dr. Radin's claim to know 'all about how mRNA works' is a case in point. Perhaps RNA and DNA are not just aggregations of cogs in some molecular machine? Perhaps seemingly intangible factors, such as the double-helical geometry of the DNA molecule, actually have important functions that scientific modelling derived from simplistic mechanistic thinking can never accommodate, or realise?

Two thoughts in response to this:

1) Science discovers that which reliably repeats. A mechanism reliably repeats. Therefore science can only discover mechanisms and a scientific worldview sees only mechanisms. I believe consciousness exists on the boundary between mechanisms.

2) Humans (or Homo Sapiens) in our present evolutionary state are a solution to a set of problems. The environment, mother nature, has been the set of problems. We have mostly conquered the environment that shaped us and have now created a new environment for which we are not as well adapted and this new environment represents a new set of problems to which we must adapt. In other words, all the clown world stuff we see going on right now is what happens when clean water and calories are too easy to find. We are bunnies who have solved the problem of snakes. Both the physical being as well as consciousness is refined at the edge of order and chaos. We need to exist on the edge of survival to thrive. Without the threat of predation or starvation the human species will regress physically and mentally unless one option below happens:
  1. Catastrophic rubblization throws us back into the old hostile environment that refined us.
  2. We seek out new hostile environments where we will exist on the edge of survival like Mars... but this cannot be a long term solution because if we are successful at colonization eventually we will be back in the same boat.
  3. We take control of our own evolution and select for desirable qualities like strength and intelligence.
But even option 3 is only a partial solution because a superhuman in a plush environment lacks purpose and this leads to all sorts of mental health issues and the structures and fabrics of society fall part without the constant driving threats of pain death and loss. A superman needs kryptonite and a supervillain and weak dummies to save or his existence has no meaning. So perhaps we create simulated environments where we can learn the harsh lessons that mother nature once taught us, or perhaps we create actual lethal competitions like Hunger Games... but of course the problem with Hunger Games is that it refines the underclasses while the elites experience the same mental health issues and degradation that comes from a lack of threats and too plush of an environment. So there must be some method of initiation where after coming of age people experience threat of survival and competition such that the few who make it through will not fall apart mentally when the challenges subside.
Debunking Vaccine Myths And Explaining Swedish Study — 14 Medical Groups

Just pick whichever one supports your bias I guess.

good info. thx.


"A pattern observed with vaxxers/anti-vaxxers is their propensity to be very selective, and cherry-pick bits and pieces of research to weaponise their unfounded claims."

The idea that vaccines can “permanently alter your DNA” is actually not new. It dates back to the time of the first smallpox vaccine in 1796.

In this interview dr. dean radin it's quite clear about his willingness to "give evolution a little push"
Dean Radin, Quantum Consciousness Experiments |545|
by Alex Tsakiris | Mar 22 | Consciousness Science

Dr. Dean Radin has shattered the quantum consciousness link question, but where will it lead?
In the latter portion of the interview, Dean Radin mentions an article that seems to be another attempt at a materialist explanation for NDE’s.

After sniffing this out, I wrote to Dr. Pim Van Lommel, one of the worlds leading NDE Researchers, and asked for his response since I felt the article was being “sneaky” with some of the wording and lack of specifics. To my surprise, he furnished an extremely thorough response, and wanted to share it with everyone here on the forum.

He also furnished three attachments which I'm sharing for those who want to really dive deep into this issue:

"Dear Mark,

There have been a lot of questions from all over the world about this article, which had a lot of attention in the popular press.

In this article, the brain activity is described in a dying patient with already severe brain damage. The authors describe a short increase in gamma waves at the moment that according to théir criteria the patient has a cardiac arrest. They define the cardiac arrest as ‘the abrupt loss of heart function measured by the inability to obtain pulse activity in the EKG’. They write that the patient developed a ventricular tachycardia with apneustic respirations and a clinical cardiorespiratory arrest. However, in figure 2A still, electrical activity in the EKG is monitored beyond the moment that in the figure is described that the patient has a cardiac arrest!

According to worldwide accepted cardiological criteria: a cardiac arrest in a patient with an acute myocardial infarction is caused by ventricular fibrillation (VF) or by asystole (a flatline on the EKG). This is called ‘clinical death’, and this period of unconsciousness is reversible if adequate CPR with defibrillation or pacemaker is initiated within 5 – 10 minutes after the onset of cardiac arrest. If not, all patients with cardiac arrest will die due to irreversible damage to the brain. Clinical death is the first stage of the process of dying. A cardiac arrest by VF causes anoxia of the brain, which is a total lack of oxygen (no flow).

However, the patient in this article was shown to have a ventricular tachycardia (not VF or asystole). And the patient developed very low blood pressure by this ventricular tachycardia. In this situation, there is often no palpable pulse, in combination with the loss of consciousness, but in the brain, there is hypoxia, a lack of oxygen (low flow), and not anoxia as in VF. When no CPR is initiated (electrical cardioversion) the ventricular tachycardia will after some time change into VF, and the patient will die.

The authors write that an increase in gamma waves in the EEG is involved in cognitive processes and memory recall in healthy subjects and that it is intriguing to speculate that such activity could support a last ‘recall’ that may take place in the near-death state.

However, they also write that there are seven important caveats that must be considered before generalizing these findings to understand the typical patterns of brain activity during death.

These caveats are 1) the fact that the described patient had a posttraumatic brain that suffered from hemorrhage, swelling, and seizures, 2) anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness can alter neuronal oscillations, 3) dissociative events and drugs can cause an increase in gamma activity, 4) the patient had been placed on significant doses of anticonvulsant medication, which could directly affect the neuronal network activity, 5) asphyxia and hypercapnia can enhance cortical connectivity, and in this patient hypercapnia and resulting acidosis may have stimulated gap-junction activity, that is critical for gamma oscillations, 6) in this patient no normal activity was recorded in the EEG that can serve as a true baseline for comparison, 7) stereotyped neuronal activity patterns are conserved during daily behavioral tasks, but systematic research about brain activity during the process of dying has never been done. See my detailed comments and quotes in the attachment.

The authors write: We do not anticipate death in healthy subjects (NB. Van Lommel : like in patients in acute cardiac arrest during myocardial infarction) and therefore could not obtain uninterrupted recordings in the near-death phase in anything other than from circumstances involving pathological conditions in acute care hospital settings.

It is well established what happens in the EEG in a patient with an acute cardiac arrest, and who was healthy until that moment. The EEG changes after about 8 seconds after the onset of cardiac arrest and becomes a flatline EEG after 18 seconds. See the attachment with some paragraphs from my latest article ‘The continuity of Consciousness’.

Summarizing: What the ‘general press’ writes about the content and conclusions of the already frequently quoted article is incomplete and mostly wrong and seems to be used to find a materialist explanation for the cause of an NDE.

There have been some very critical comments about the interpretation of the EEG registrations in this article as well.

A commentary will follow in the JNDS.

Kind regards,

Pim van Lommel"

On a side note, I recently conducted an interview with Dr. Van Lommel for the Helping Parents Heal Organization (a group for bereaved parents). Here’s a link to the recording of the interview for those who might be interested:

And here are links to two versions of the article in question for those who've not yet read it:

good info. thx.


"A pattern observed with vaxxers/anti-vaxxers is their propensity to be very selective, and cherry-pick bits and pieces of research to weaponise their unfounded claims."

The idea that vaccines can “permanently alter your DNA” is actually not new. It dates back to the time of the first smallpox vaccine in 1796.

In this interview dr. dean radin it's quite clear about his willingness to "give evolution a little push"

I noticed you did not push him much on the story of the dying epilectic who's brain emitting gramma rays could account for nde's?
Any thought?
1) Science discovers that which reliably repeats. A mechanism reliably repeats. Therefore science can only discover mechanisms and a scientific worldview sees only mechanisms. I believe consciousness exists on the boundary between mechanisms.

Well, that gets rid of Big Bang Science then!

BULLSHIT about the way medical science is going. It's doing an about face within the year.
Nice pushback. He's goes totally silent when you start in on it. Entrenched.
He hasn't dug TOO FAR into "spirituality", or he would know there's nothing to fix.
How Faustian. How Frankenstein.
Transparency, OPEN discussion, and all of the cards on the table has to happen. And it IS turning.
The mainstream media is disgusting and overt with its agenda of propaganda. Kind of speaks for itself.
Humanity is NOT dying, it's transforming.
The true marriage will come from east and west. Eastern peoples are more community and group oriented, the west went on to develop the individual ego more. When they come together finally? BOOM.
All of that fear porn of lack, destruction, etcetera is BS to keep us from our true potential.
Same with psi and him referring to horror movies. The witch burnings continue...
And if it hasn't set in yet, it's the SYSTEM that's dying. With all of its misconceptions.
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"A pattern observed with vaxxers/anti-vaxxers is their propensity to be very selective, and cherry-pick bits and pieces of research to weaponise their unfounded claims."

Dr Kendrick in his blog observed that everyone, including the medics, were being blitzed with statistics - many of them contradictory.

Without cherry picking to some degree, it was - and still is - impossible to make anything definite about the situation.

For now it's fair to say that the brain is much more than a filter and sensory processing unit. Yes it does those things, but it also has intelligence. So it doesn't simply filter like a strainer. It filters intelligently, and makes decisions based on that process. It also has auto correction and memory. It also directly affects personality, along with all the biochemical processes that are involved elsewhere in the body that also affect personality — and there's mountains of evidence for this. ;)

The issue I have with this kind of view is that 1) "the brain" is identified as a thing, and 2) it's a thing that has attributes and performs all sorts of activities. But to me, that's a materialistic view, which can be quite useful as a kind of metaphor. However, what I suspect is really the case is that there's a particular aspect of universal consciousness that behaves according to certain underlying rules, and that merely appears to our perception as what we call a brain.

In fact, I don't believe that "the brain" does anything. It's just the appearance of a bunch of activities in universal consciousness. We get the causality the wrong way round. The brain doesn't cause human consciousness. It's just interpreted that way.

Because we believe what our perceptions are telling us is a thing, is indeed a thing, we then build up a picture of the causal structure of the world being rooted in things, iow in materiality. We end up disappearing up our own backsides and our materialistic science ends up butting against paradoxes that we try to explain by creating more things and more properties of those things. We give them names and that tends to reify them in our minds, but they're not what reality external to our psyches is actually composed of.
Two thoughts in response to this:

1) Science discovers that which reliably repeats. A mechanism reliably repeats. Therefore science can only discover mechanisms and a scientific worldview sees only mechanisms. I believe consciousness exists on the boundary between mechanisms.

2) Humans (or Homo Sapiens) in our present evolutionary state are a solution to a set of problems. The environment, mother nature, has been the set of problems. We have mostly conquered the environment that shaped us and have now created a new environment for which we are not as well adapted and this new environment represents a new set of problems to which we must adapt. In other words, all the clown world stuff we see going on right now is what happens when clean water and calories are too easy to find. We are bunnies who have solved the problem of snakes. Both the physical being as well as consciousness is refined at the edge of order and chaos. We need to exist on the edge of survival to thrive. Without the threat of predation or starvation the human species will regress physically and mentally unless one option below happens:
  1. Catastrophic rubblization throws us back into the old hostile environment that refined us.
  2. We seek out new hostile environments where we will exist on the edge of survival like Mars... but this cannot be a long term solution because if we are successful at colonization eventually we will be back in the same boat.
  3. We take control of our own evolution and select for desirable qualities like strength and intelligence.
But even option 3 is only a partial solution because a superhuman in a plush environment lacks purpose and this leads to all sorts of mental health issues and the structures and fabrics of society fall part without the constant driving threats of pain death and loss. A superman needs kryptonite and a supervillain and weak dummies to save or his existence has no meaning. So perhaps we create simulated environments where we can learn the harsh lessons that mother nature once taught us, or perhaps we create actual lethal competitions like Hunger Games... but of course the problem with Hunger Games is that it refines the underclasses while the elites experience the same mental health issues and degradation that comes from a lack of threats and too plush of an environment. So there must be some method of initiation where after coming of age people experience threat of survival and competition such that the few who make it through will not fall apart mentally when the challenges subside.
As Radin said, we've come to a point where "he/she who dies w/ the most toys, wins" is no longer sustainable. The Green Revolution & machine farming got us fat & happy, but in all too typically human fashion, we didn't look far down the road & ignored all the troubling signs of chemical poisons & fertilizer.
I agree w/ Michael Cremo, Li Hongzhi, & many others that we're at the lowest spot of the darkest cycle in human existence: Kali Yuga, the Last Havoc, or whatever name you prefer. On the positive side, New Age enthusiasts, old hippies, New Earth One Network, hail all this turmoil as the dying spasms of a phase we're leaving & the necessary adjustments to the highest, most spiritual Yuga, Krita or Satya Yuga.
At this point, we may be in for a return to option one, which many archaeologists claim we've been to many times. Li Hongzhi says we've all but wiped out humankind 88 times, but crawl out of the debris to start yet again. Let's hope not! I feel fully challenged in every way RIGHT NOW.
BULLSHIT about the way medical science is going. It's doing an about face within the year.
Nice pushback. He's goes totally silent when you start in on it. Entrenched.
He hasn't dug TOO FAR into "spirituality", or he would know there's nothing to fix.
How Faustian. How Frankenstein.
Transparency, OPEN discussion, and all of the cards on the table has to happen. And it IS turning.
The mainstream media is disgusting and overt with its agenda of propaganda. Kind of speaks for itself.
Humanity is NOT dying, it's transforming.
The true marriage will come from east and west. Eastern peoples are more community and group oriented, the west went on to develop the individual ego more. When they come together finally? BOOM.
All of that fear porn of lack, destruction, etcetera is BS to keep us from our true potential.
Same with psi and him referring to horror movies. The witch burnings continue...
And if it hasn't set in yet, it's the SYSTEM that's dying. With all of its misconceptions.

I do wish you would expand that A LOT. It sounds like something I might agree with, but you write so cryptically that I'm never sure!

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I do wish you would expand that A LOT. It sounds like something I might agree with, but you write so cryptically that I'm never sure!

Just phases. Cycles.
I gather from many sources, but the celestial bodies is paramount. And we're in a new age.
Also Steiner, who only gave lectures and talked around and around, so it takes patience and fortitude to get to the essence. He was enamored with Goethe. Also an excellent reference.
I don't believe ALL the woo, but I've witnessed enough in life to see things for what they are. And trying to see the higher purpose or "good" even when it's not apparent.
We have all we need with nature. The Catholic church tried to sever that tie, but of course FAILED. Now, we shall be rediscovering that relationship.
As far as nothing broken... It's just our psyches and a bunch of self-destructive habits passed on or conditioned in. Collective PTSD that's easy for the vultures to manipulate and prey upon if they can keep us in fear mode. As humans, we don't just have fight or flight now, do we? We're "smarter" than that. I read some LRH Dianetics and Scientology stuff, got a little out of it. One of the hidden gems was this scenario of a black panther being on the landing of the stairs between you and the bedroom and the six options of action to deal with it. There could be even more actually...
I don't have it handy and the books are somewhat buried right now.
I think the intensity of everything going on right now, it's attempting to force awakening of higher faculties and dormant or suppressed abilities. Even just the simple ones that children have (being in theta) that we like to beat and condition out of them. They see through lies. They can tell when you're not being truthful. Plus taking things too seriously, not having more fun and games, letting shit go instead of holding on to it and carrying it around.
I honestly think they'll become our teachers and leaders into a better future. If we guide and support them.
Just an early ramble. No coffee yet. Crazy dreams and rough sleep.
We'll have to get more specific, if I missed whatever you were getting at.
As far as the larger system goes, it's going to have to become more globally harmonic.
I think, as population reaches certain heights, humanity becomes more unwieldy and needs to break the boundaries of the old. And the old methods of control are failing. Killing off huge numbers and relocation and cultural genocide won't work this time. Breaking down. All of it.
The Age of Aquarius is about the individual. We've learned the tribal and group stuff by now.
This will be SO EXCITING! Instead of what job do you want to chain yourself to, it will be about promoting individual traits and tendencies and learning and expression. Then bringing more of who we really are to the table and collaborating.
Not today, Klaus Schwab!
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