The Schwaller de Lubicz clan refer to the "Permanent Witness" or KA and the "Spiritual Witness" or BA in their studies of ancient Egypt and interpretation. One being specific and individual, the other...I guess you've heard that memory is stored through out the body. Eben Alexander has a chapter or two on that in "Living in a Mindful Universe." As you may know, he didn't know his family or friends after coming out of his coma, but his memory slowly returned. My materialist brother told me a professor at Texas Tech was in an auto accident that cost him 70% of his brain, but he relearned to walk & later returned to his job.
I've heard the solar plexus called the body's brain, so maybe that's a spot for peripheral memory storage. What about that story Alex had about the EEG record of a brain active long after the rest of the person had "died?"
What I'm trying to get at here is the brain must not be that critical since it was turned into a bag of pus (the forebrain at least) in Eben's case or a measly 30% was all that was required to rebuild Herr Professor. I'm back to H. Percival's Triune Self: Knower, Thinker, & Feeling/Desire (Soul) aren't dependent on a body that is the current model of transportation & housing, so when the dense body goes, the permanent aspects aren't effected.
Sorry! That's the best I've got.
But not really! This is what is unnerving to me: how many ppl haven't or maybe can't detect the Knower (silent Witness, the Observer, etc)? Percival goes right there & says so many of us don't know our families (who are these ppl?) or feel like strangers or passing travelers from very early in life.
The true development can accelerate when we become witness to all of our motivations and undertakings. Not judgmental or overly policing, but AWARE. And then try to transcend limitations, patterns that hinder, etcetera.
It all comes down to self and "other".
DR was sort of right on that count, but didn't listen to his own advice. Only worry about yourself. Everybody has to do their own time. There is only you, and the UNIVERSE. As mirror. Or friend. Or enemy. Or lover...