Dean Radin, Quantum Consciousness Experiments |545|

I guess you've heard that memory is stored through out the body. Eben Alexander has a chapter or two on that in "Living in a Mindful Universe." As you may know, he didn't know his family or friends after coming out of his coma, but his memory slowly returned. My materialist brother told me a professor at Texas Tech was in an auto accident that cost him 70% of his brain, but he relearned to walk & later returned to his job.
I've heard the solar plexus called the body's brain, so maybe that's a spot for peripheral memory storage. What about that story Alex had about the EEG record of a brain active long after the rest of the person had "died?"
What I'm trying to get at here is the brain must not be that critical since it was turned into a bag of pus (the forebrain at least) in Eben's case or a measly 30% was all that was required to rebuild Herr Professor. I'm back to H. Percival's Triune Self: Knower, Thinker, & Feeling/Desire (Soul) aren't dependent on a body that is the current model of transportation & housing, so when the dense body goes, the permanent aspects aren't effected.
Sorry! That's the best I've got.
But not really! This is what is unnerving to me: how many ppl haven't or maybe can't detect the Knower (silent Witness, the Observer, etc)? Percival goes right there & says so many of us don't know our families (who are these ppl?) or feel like strangers or passing travelers from very early in life.
The Schwaller de Lubicz clan refer to the "Permanent Witness" or KA and the "Spiritual Witness" or BA in their studies of ancient Egypt and interpretation. One being specific and individual, the other...
The true development can accelerate when we become witness to all of our motivations and undertakings. Not judgmental or overly policing, but AWARE. And then try to transcend limitations, patterns that hinder, etcetera.
It all comes down to self and "other".
DR was sort of right on that count, but didn't listen to his own advice. Only worry about yourself. Everybody has to do their own time. There is only you, and the UNIVERSE. As mirror. Or friend. Or enemy. Or lover...
Here's some Clif High if you're interested.
He's better when someone is interviewing him. Stays on track more.
Clif High on Tartaria, Antarctica, consciousness, Covid, the latest numbers and humanity wins! 1/2
Clif High on Tartaria, Antarctica, consciousness, Covid, the latest numbers and humanity wins! 2/2
Just finished listening to these for the 3rd time. Excellent material.
I don't know much about Dean Radin besides what Alex has told us about him on Skeptiko. After this interview, I can won't say that he is full of shit, but I would certainly say he highly questionable. In fact, I would say he is more than halfway toward being an absolute jack ass. When Alex questions him about Mrna vaccines damaging people, this idiot simply says that "he knows" Mrna works. Radin goes on to tell us about a fictional book that he wrote concerning how beneficial to be a "hive mind" people. He sites examples from Star Trek about the Borg, which had given a negative connotation of this utopian concept; - clarified in his wonderful book that sheds a positive light on all hive minds?!?!

When Alex asks this moron about Transhumanism, he says that he knows nothing about it? Wait a second, didn't this same rat faced scientist just tell us that he believes in Mrna technology? Didn't this same rodent face just tell us that he wrote a book about how beneficial it would be to have a "hive mind"?

Granted, I am not going to get a signed copy of any of this rodent's books by writing any of this, but I got a serious bad vibe from this guy, Dean Radin. If he doesn't show up on the forum, no surprise, as he is getting funded to promote transhumanism and he isn't ashamed to announce it.
I love how he pushed back on the vaccine skepticism with the same concerns I have- is this causation? As I point out there's a tendency for people to run with politics first and not the science. You may be right, but let's do the work.
If you ignore the details of the science completely, you have a vaccine industry that has relied on a testing period of several years to ensure that the vaccine is safe. Then we had a totally new kind of vaccine and we tested it for a few months.

If COVID had been killing a large percentage of those who caught it, one might understand throwing caution to the wind, but estimates vary but 0.03% seems plausible.

Nothing justified taking such a big risk.

I guess you've heard that memory is stored through out the body. Eben Alexander has a chapter or two on that in "Living in a Mindful Universe." As you may know, he didn't know his family or friends after coming out of his coma, but his memory slowly returned. My materialist brother told me a professor at Texas Tech was in an auto accident that cost him 70% of his brain, but he relearned to walk & later returned to his job.
I've heard the solar plexus called the body's brain, so maybe that's a spot for peripheral memory storage. What about that story Alex had about the EEG record of a brain active long after the rest of the person had "died?"
What I'm trying to get at here is the brain must not be that critical since it was turned into a bag of pus (the forebrain at least) in Eben's case or a measly 30% was all that was required to rebuild Herr Professor. I'm back to H. Percival's Triune Self: Knower, Thinker, & Feeling/Desire (Soul) aren't dependent on a body that is the current model of transportation & housing, so when the dense body goes, the permanent aspects aren't effected.
Sorry! That's the best I've got.
But not really! This is what is unnerving to me: how many ppl haven't or maybe can't detect the Knower (silent Witness, the Observer, etc)? Percival goes right there & says so many of us don't know our families (who are these ppl?) or feel like strangers or passing travelers from very early in life.
These discussions are much more complex than we have time to put into single posts, so for the sake of convenience the word "brain" gets used as a reference to neural processes, but of course there are a lot of other neural processes besides the brain as well, plus a whole host of biochemical and bioelectrical processes in the living body. Sometimes I'll try to hedge against any confusion by saying "a functioning brain-body system". Then we can focus on whether or not it's fair to include consciousness as part of the function. If not, why not?

Why should it be considered something any more radically different than the EM fields generated by our functioning brain-body system? We still don't really understand them either. Maybe they're the carriers of consciousness. But nobody says, therefore they must be some sort of mystical energy connected to some hypothetical afterworld? Or maybe some people do — I don't know. The point is that historically speaking, that's the sort of supernatural thinking people tended to use before they gained a more in-depth and accurate understanding of phenomena they didn't understand.
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In case you think analytics will overtake human intuition
Interesting. In another book buried someplace among the thousands I've read over the years, I recall a section that talked about a study that compared the accuracy of intuition ( gut feeling - or whatever you want to call it ) against intellectual reason, and the conclusion was that the best scores for intuition, put intellectual reason ahead at about 60% to 40% for accuracy. But that is still surprisingly good IMO. Consequently I've started paying more attention to my intuitive side, while tempering it with reason — whenever time permits.

Time is the factor that makes the difference. They described the intuitive process as a sort of automated shortcut that our system takes to get things accomplished when under pressure. Reason might be more accurate, but we don't always have the time required to do a scientific study. Sometimes we need to make snap decisions that could mean life or death, so we've evolved this other system to help us, and it works a lot better than some people give it credit for.
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I thought I pushed him pretty hard.
Yes. I mean Dean Radin has been one of those perfect Skeptiko guests - up there with Rupert Sheldrake. Someone who would talk clearly about interesting psi experiments with a lot of authority. Nobody, for example, has explained away his presentiment experiments - and they sure have tried.

He was on much the same form for most of this talk, but totally changed in the last quarter of the talk. It was a shock, but I half wonder if his brain is starting to show its age.

I thought I pushed him pretty hard.

Circumstances provided, I agree with you. I know that you are under a lot of scrutiny for how you interview people, and far be it from me for wish you take to take that rat to the snake house, as he quite famous. Much respect, Alex, I know it isn't easy to get that guy on a podcast. Nevertheless, he proves the point about what scientists will say based upon who is funding them.
Just finished listening to these for the 3rd time. Excellent material.

I think that Clif High would be a much more interesting interview than Dean Radin.
Yes. I mean Dean Radin has been one of those perfect Skeptiko guests - up there with Rupert Sheldrake. Someone who would talk clearly about interesting psi experiments with a lot of authority. Nobody, for example, has explained away his presentiment experiments - and they sure have tried.

He was on much the same form for most of this talk, but totally changed in the last quarter of the talk. It was a shock, but I half wonder if his brain is starting to show its age.


To me, it sounds as if Dean Radin is bought and paid for. He represented Transhumanism pretty well in the interview. Let us list the truth:

  1. He admits that he is writing or has written a book about the benefits of having a hive mind.
  2. He is sighting material about how near death experiences are basically based upon a fireworks show that happens in the brain as a guy was hooked up to some EEG machine in a foreign country, while dying. Although, the epileptic that died on that machine never said that he had a "near death experience." As they just observed images of his brain when he was dying and made their own conclusions. Somehow, all these conclusions go to headline news. Does anybody ask if the same pattern happens from an EEG during a typical epileptic seizure? Again, did the guy ever say that he had a near death experience? Welcome to conspiracy my friends! This is called a PSYOP!
  3. He is vehement about how Mrna technology works, AND HE KNOWS IT! At this point, who doesn't know somebody that has been injured by a COVID so called "vaccine"? When Alex presses this issue with him, Radin just doubles down and says that he "knows it works."
  4. He is adamant about how we can't change any of this Mrna roll out, and how we must be integrated into this whether we like it or not. Isn't this a form of dogmatism? Also, if he disagrees with whatever you are saying, then he must see all the evidence himself, which he certainly does not have the time to do as he sucks the dicks of whomever is funding him. That is more important. How is this any different than a flat earther? - At least they are open to debate.
I thought that Alex did a great job in the interview, but I think that Alex has evolved beyond this guys capacity to deal with black belt conversations.
Time is the factor that makes the difference. They described the intuitive process as a sort of automated shortcut that our system takes to get things accomplished when under pressure. Reason might be more accurate, but we don't always have the time required to do a scientific study. Sometimes we need to make snap decisions that could mean life or death, so we've evolved this other system to help us, and it works a lot better than some people give it credit for.

Good point, J. I think it is that making a decision, any decision, and dealing with the consequences as they come is superlative than trying to predict every outcome in stillness. Perfection could very well be the refusal to live, but excellence is that experimentation, rather, the willingness to play in what is otherwise unknown.
Just finished listening to these for the 3rd time. Excellent material.
I listened to them twice through. Pretty much remembered it all from the first time. My mind's pretty sharp when I'm not high all the time. ;) ;)
Thank goodness and the season for spring juncture and clarity. Probably won't be smoking it much anymore. Eating is different...
Too important to have sinuses clear for "higher" work. And lungs as well.
Alcohol dangerous for lots of reasons. Moderation! A treat and enjoyment here and there instead of a "necessity".
Going to listen to all of CH's old ones on Forum Borealis again. Maybe take notes of the finer points.
Like GIANT BONES being tossed in the ocean and "Egyptian" and "Moorish" stelae and mooring posts being removed from the Mississippi. That kind of stuff.
Antarctica, here we come!
To me, it sounds as if Dean Radin is bought and paid for. He represented Transhumanism pretty well in the interview. Let us list the truth:

  1. He admits that he is writing or has written a book about the benefits of having a hive mind.
  2. He is sighting material about how near death experiences are basically based upon a fireworks show that happens in the brain as a guy was hooked up to some EEG machine in a foreign country, while dying. Although, the epileptic that died on that machine never said that he had a "near death experience." As they just observed images of his brain when he was dying and made their own conclusions. Somehow, all these conclusions go to headline news. Does anybody ask if the same pattern happens from an EEG during a typical epileptic seizure? Again, did the guy ever say that he had a near death experience? Welcome to conspiracy my friends! This is called a PSYOP!
  3. He is vehement about how Mrna technology works, AND HE KNOWS IT! At this point, who doesn't know somebody that has been injured by a COVID so called "vaccine"? When Alex presses this issue with him, Radin just doubles down and says that he "knows it works."
  4. He is adamant about how we can't change any of this Mrna roll out, and how we must be integrated into this whether we like it or not. Isn't this a form of dogmatism? Also, if he disagrees with whatever you are saying, then he must see all the evidence himself, which he certainly does not have the time to do as he sucks the dicks of whomever is funding him. That is more important. How is this any different than a flat earther? - At least they are open to debate.
I thought that Alex did a great job in the interview, but I think that Alex has evolved beyond this guys capacity to deal with black belt conversations.
I basically agree - I really wanted to point out how awkward that interview must have been for Alex!

My only caveat is regarding the hive mind concept.

As you know, a lot of afterlife evidence suggests that people communicate telepathically, and that possibly they find it impossible to lie because their thoughts betray them. I suppose this could be called a hive mind - but we certainly do not want it enforced with regular injections, ignoring those who are maimed or die as a result!

That's my take away as well. theme seems to be making some obvious logical/scientific blunders.
- the superpsi survival thing is just silly... but then he does a double-down by citing the latest phony nde research... how does he not spot this is being fake:
- his comments about the dod epidemiological database were really shaky. and he again doubles down by saying that it was probably a good idea for big brother to respond to the controversy by removing the information from public view... clueless. after the interview he emailed me a link supporting his position. I think he was a little embarrassed when I pointed out that the link was from his longtime, dogmatically psi-skeptical adversary steven novella.
- he also didn't handle the moral imperative question (i.e. it does evil matter question) very well. he's well spoken on the relationship between science and philosophy so I was really surprised he whiffed on this one. it's not that psi experiments have proven a moral imperative, it's that they falsified the long-standing claim that morals can never be more than a social construct.
Alex, Could you please please point me to the part of the interview regarding psi falsification of the the long-standing claim that morals can never be more than a social construct. I did listen to the whole interview but seem to have overlooked that aspect, which is crucial to my own work.

So so depressing to see Radin as a turncoat. Deep thanks for your interview that exposes this.
To me, it sounds as if Dean Radin is bought and paid for. He represented Transhumanism pretty well in the interview. Let us list the truth:

  1. He admits that he is writing or has written a book about the benefits of having a hive mind.
  2. He is sighting material about how near death experiences are basically based upon a fireworks show that happens in the brain as a guy was hooked up to some EEG machine in a foreign country, while dying. Although, the epileptic that died on that machine never said that he had a "near death experience." As they just observed images of his brain when he was dying and made their own conclusions. Somehow, all these conclusions go to headline news. Does anybody ask if the same pattern happens from an EEG during a typical epileptic seizure? Again, did the guy ever say that he had a near death experience? Welcome to conspiracy my friends! This is called a PSYOP!
  3. He is vehement about how Mrna technology works, AND HE KNOWS IT! At this point, who doesn't know somebody that has been injured by a COVID so called "vaccine"? When Alex presses this issue with him, Radin just doubles down and says that he "knows it works."
  4. He is adamant about how we can't change any of this Mrna roll out, and how we must be integrated into this whether we like it or not. Isn't this a form of dogmatism? Also, if he disagrees with whatever you are saying, then he must see all the evidence himself, which he certainly does not have the time to do as he sucks the dicks of whomever is funding him. That is more important. How is this any different than a flat earther? - At least they are open to debate.
agreed! but not about the "bought and paid for" and this is really interesting point to me. I mean, dean is a good guy... and a great scientist. my read of the situation is that he's let his political dogmatism cloud his philosophical understanding of what he's doing. science is supposed to lifts us above our bias. I thought it used to do that for dean... I'm not so sure anymore:

[00:03:31] Dr. Dean Radin: evolution is going towards a new kind of human, and if it needs a little genetic push to get there. So be it.
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Alex, Could you please please point me to the part of the interview regarding psi falsification of the the long-standing claim that morals can never be more than a social construct. I did listen to the whole interview but seem to have overlooked that aspect, which is crucial to my own work.

So so depressing to see Radin as a turncoat. Deep thanks for your interview that exposes this.
hi Bhakti... welcome. funny you should mention... this point is super important to me... near and dear to my heart and my skeptiko mission. so much so that I felt I needed to highlighted in the intro to #546:


Alex Tsakiris: On this episode of Skeptiko a show about freedom and self evident truth. I have an interview coming up in a minute. With Matt Lambo. A first time author who’s written a book that matter of factly lays out what he believes are some self evident truths, but before we get there, let me play a little clip from an old movie. Amistad where I think they’re talking about self evident truth.


remember this story? well it can’t really call it a story it is history where’s these Spanish guys that go over to Africa. I grabbed these people by gunpoint, chain them up, load them on a boat and head off on their little slaving business venture, but along the way, the Africans rise up, have a little mutiny and decide that maybe those Spaniards should sail back to Africa. Now it doesn’t turn out that way and they get captured by an American ship. And that leads to this court battle.

And the scene that you saw there is where they were wrestling with the legality of whether that cargo "human lives" Could be thrown overboard to reduce the weight of the ship.

Now I think for a lot of us that falls into the category of a self evident truth. That is, you can’t enslave people and force them to do what you want by threat of death.

Here’s the way today’s guests. Matt Lambeau puts it.


[00:01:41] Matt Lambeau: All conscious souls long to be free. We want to make our own decisions using our own volition, so we can decide for ourself what’s right and wrong.

So anybody who doesn’t agree with the first fact is going to fall into three categories.

They’re either ignorant of which I’m making of calculus. I get it. We’re all ignorant. They’re captive. They no longer have freedom of thought or they’re either complicit or corrupt,

[00:02:14] Matt Lambeau: , your conscious soul was alive before you were. It will be alive after you die. This exercise on life is a lucid dream where your conscious soul is navigating the physical energy of our universe with that said selfishness in its simplest sense is demanding that others conform to your perception of reality. Selfishness on a larger scale is you taking the life, Liberty or pursuit of happiness from another individual. .

[00:02:44] Alex Tsakiris: So, this is an interesting interview. You might like it. You might hate it. But one thing I wanted to point out is that, you know, even though Matt doesn’t have a PhD, he sure nailed the moral imperative question a lot better than last week’s guest. Dr. Dean Raden. If you’re a member raid and kind of stumble over the idea of whether morality could ever come into the equation


[00:03:11] Dr. Dean Radin: Yeah, you’re talking about issues of morality and ethics and, uh, it’s, might be related to all this, but I’m, I’m not sure I would go.

[00:03:23] Alex Tsakiris: and it’s extra funny because he kind of does the heavy lifting. I mean, the only way you can maintain the idea.

That morality is always under every circumstance. , a social construct is to believe that we’re biological robots and a meaningless universe. So it’s amazing to me that the scientist who’s probably done more than anyone else to scientifically dispel that idea can’t make the step.

Can’t see the obvious implications for the moral imperative for self evident truths, like freedom.

Hope you like this. One’s to ground for my interview with Matt Lambeau.
hi Bhakti... welcome. funny you should mention... this point is super important to me... near and dear to my heart and my skeptiko mission. so much so that I felt I needed to highlighted in the intro to #546:


Alex Tsakiris: On this episode of Skeptiko a show about freedom and self evident truth. I have an interview coming up in a minute. With Matt Lambo. A first time author who’s written a book that matter of factly lays out what he believes are some self evident truths, but before we get there, let me play a little clip from an old movie. Amistad where I think they’re talking about self evident truth.


remember this story? well it can’t really call it a story it is history where’s these Spanish guys that go over to Africa. I grabbed these people by gunpoint, chain them up, load them on a boat and head off on their little slaving business venture, but along the way, the Africans rise up, have a little mutiny and decide that maybe those Spaniards should sail back to Africa. Now it doesn’t turn out that way and they get captured by an American ship. And that leads to this court battle.

And the scene that you saw there is where they were wrestling with the legality of whether that cargo "human lives" Could be thrown overboard to reduce the weight of the ship.

Now I think for a lot of us that falls into the category of a self evident truth. That is, you can’t enslave people and force them to do what you want by threat of death.

Here’s the way today’s guests. Matt Lambeau puts it.


[00:01:41] Matt Lambeau: All conscious souls long to be free. We want to make our own decisions using our own volition, so we can decide for ourself what’s right and wrong.

So anybody who doesn’t agree with the first fact is going to fall into three categories.

They’re either ignorant of which I’m making of calculus. I get it. We’re all ignorant. They’re captive. They no longer have freedom of thought or they’re either complicit or corrupt,

[00:02:14] Matt Lambeau: , your conscious soul was alive before you were. It will be alive after you die. This exercise on life is a lucid dream where your conscious soul is navigating the physical energy of our universe with that said selfishness in its simplest sense is demanding that others conform to your perception of reality. Selfishness on a larger scale is you taking the life, Liberty or pursuit of happiness from another individual. .

[00:02:44] Alex Tsakiris: So, this is an interesting interview. You might like it. You might hate it. But one thing I wanted to point out is that, you know, even though Matt doesn’t have a PhD, he sure nailed the moral imperative question a lot better than last week’s guest. Dr. Dean Raden. If you’re a member raid and kind of stumble over the idea of whether morality could ever come into the equation


[00:03:11] Dr. Dean Radin: Yeah, you’re talking about issues of morality and ethics and, uh, it’s, might be related to all this, but I’m, I’m not sure I would go.

[00:03:23] Alex Tsakiris: and it’s extra funny because he kind of does the heavy lifting. I mean, the only way you can maintain the idea.

That morality is always under every circumstance. , a social construct is to believe that we’re biological robots and a meaningless universe. So it’s amazing to me that the scientist who’s probably done more than anyone else to scientifically dispel that idea can’t make the step.

Can’t see the obvious implications for the moral imperative for self evident truths, like freedom.

Hope you like this. One’s to ground for my interview with Matt Lambeau.

Merci buckets, Alex. I look forward to having the time to listen to Matt's interview. Meanwhile I am still confused after re-listening to the Radin segments you cited.: You made the statement in the forum that "psi experiments... falsified the long-standing claim that morals can never be more than a social construct." My query is which psi experiments are you referring to here?
As his night job (!), Radin co-founded a cognigenics org last year: see
At 30:00 he discusses its relation to his psi work, mentions the ethical issues, and even says they are still asking if they should be doing this. Yikes.