Indeed. You and I can indeed agree upon the
Truth of what will happen if I put my Sig Sauer to your head and pull the trigger.
Your billions of selves currently inhabiting the billions of different dimensions are fun to think about, but one of them matters most.
I'm happy you are overcoming your Nihilism and beginning to accept that Truth exists. :)
Charlie, it seems that you misunderstood what I meant: I did
not mean that I, personally, have infinite number of different Selves. Each of us - including myself - have exactly
one Self, or, more precisely, one
is one's Self. And my own Self - as well as yours and anyone else's here - is currently stuck is the dimension that we call "physical".
As for your show of armed force, it proves nothing, since so-called "laws of physics" are exactly what I call "conditional truths". This means, they works only as long as we are stuck in the "physical" dimension - and even in it they are neither inviolable (as paranormal phenomena demonstates) nor unchangeable (as Rupert Sheldrake's work on the fluctuations of "physical constants" shows). There are even a few people who did reliably demonstrate they ability to produce paranormal phenomena (what we call possessing psychic abilities), including quite impressive ones, like D.D. Home's famous levitations and other macro-PK manifestations.
So, the apparent stability of physical laws means only we have not yet found a suitable mean to subvert them on a larger scale. But the glitches of the instability of the world, of violations and alterations of supposedly invariable physical order, shows us that it is, in principle, possible. And, thus, one day it will be made - we will find a way to bend the very foundations of the physical dimension according to our Will, and will be able to reshape it as we see fit
I, personally, do not possess such abilities, and, if being shot with a firearm, definitely would not be able to evade the bullets, Neo-style, let alone to stop them in the air with the force of my Will; so, I would almost certainly be killed or wounded - unless some spontaneous paranormal phenomenon would happen, for whatever reason, and would save me from danger. But it won't prove that "laws of physics" are the manifestation of some "Absolute Truth" - only that I, personally, do not (yet?) possess the ability to violate them. So, it is still a question of Will and its Power and not of some external universal "Truth".
* of course, an ethical (and / or aesthetical) question may be raised here - should we reshape the physical parts of reality to our liking once we are able do so? Or it would be better not to destablise the physical dimension on a mega-scale?