I'm pretty sure I understand your concept of the RRH. But am curious as to what the RRH stands for? I'm assuming it's something in your native language. It's interesting how your model parallels that of a computational system. The way I'm imagining it is that the warehouse is the memory bank, and each point represents a gate, and time represents each clock cycle, and the RRH is the system's access function. So on each clock cycle the RRH accesses and activates a gate, and successive activations of these gates becomes the timeline.
Exactly I should have used "time line" instead of "RRH" because, in my limited English language recognition, "time line" is more close to English native speakers' habit. But there is one serious problem, I think people often mingle(your writing taught me maybe to use word conflate is better) two different meanings by using "time line":
1, one is "time line as a gauge(what I clumsily called time ruler axis in my previous posts)" - a static concept;
2, the other is "flowing process of time elapse" - a dynamic kinetic concept.
Based on this background concern, I allowed myself to invent a new word to specifically address my meaning, I named it RRH trying to stick to its semantic purpose - its meaning is like a Red Running Ribbon, in contrast its past(its history, its trail) is like having been grayed out, and its future is like being pitch black suggesting a state of haven't been determined and can't be foreseen clearly, whereas RRH itself being red, vigorous, running, vital, vivacious.
But if I call it Red Running Ribbon, why not Red Running Line, Red Running Thread, Red Running Yarn? Since I mean no concrete shape for this concept. Years ago, I decided to name it Red Running Hike in my own heart when I thought about these questions, just for commemorating the fairy tale Red Riding Hood - both share the same acronym RRH.
A bit naughty and off topic I know, but there is another reason, vaguely, I used the term RRH which stands either for Red Running Hike or Red Riding Hood to imply that, the "images" could sometimes delude human being's mind, just like the wolf in the fairy tale inveigled the little girl, a bit pessimistic and dark but it is perhaps what the reality entails.
I also want to tell the story behind that I mistakenly thought you meant "memory" as human's memories when used together with "warehouse", partially because the movie Dreamcatcher(2003) is one of my lifetime favorite, in this movie 4 protagonists talked about "memory warehouse" in a leisure small party, later this "memory warehouse" of one protagonist's mind served as a sniff - spoof - search - escape ground for countering alien's vicious doing. So I thought in English language talking "memory“ together with "warehouse" probably refers to human's memories - like a mental warehouse indeed - the movie depicted it by a visual scene of memory warehouse, quite impressively branded into my mind.
I think your analogy of meanings I tried to express, with the computational system, is close to what I really wished to convey.
But there are some very very important points in your analogy, for which perhaps I didn't make clear in my previous posts:
1, Each point does be like a gate, but I envisioned them as discrete nodes just for temporarily an easier introduction for fast proceeding to my key idea, I haven't gone into details about many imaginations of their real reasonable layouts, in one of which the points are continuous, not discrete.
2, RRH's behavior is like an access function, no problem, but I particularly wished to envision this access as continuous action. In my way of expression, I said RRH passes through the warehouse and bumps into 3 dimensional models one by another, forming our experiences of one moment sliding into next moment. I don't wish to make it sound like that discretely, I wish to mean that it's continuous without gaps between every previous frame and next frame, but it's hard for me to explain.
3, The RRH's route is not in a free style, namely it can't backtrack, can't jump, can't pause or stop, and must follow an intricate arrangement of 3 dimensional universe models, otherwise the persons in this RRH wouldn't exist. For example, a person can't be in a wedding with Scarlett Johnasson in one 3 dimensional universe model but his RRH picks the next frame as a 3 dimensional universe model in which this same person be in a wedding with Taylor Swift.
Your reply reminded me that I should have particularly emphasized my hypothesis is prone to a continuous interpretation - the arrangement of 3 dimensional universe models is continuous in the warehouse, the points in the time ruler axis is continuous in the warehouse, the bumping of RRH into successive 3 dimensional universe models is continuous.
When there isn't any RRH passing through the warehouse, the warehouse is "dead", and the 3 dimensional universe models in the warehouse are "more" discrete, meaning even if they have been intricately arranged in a matrix order right on Creator's construction of this warehouse and a frame does have some order logic relationship with its adjacent frames, however this frame still somehow holds no linkage or attachment to its adjacent frames - they can be splitted as slices without killing anyone, from origin there is no "consciousness self" inside the whole construct.
It is when there is an RRH passing through the warehouse, piercing 3 dimensional universe models, that makes the transition from one frame to one of its next frame as a "consciousness self"'s experience. The RRH is living, experiencing - we are at its front tip - our "now" - while the 3 dimensional universe models are static, dead, be in there forever, stand ready for RRH's bumping(or accessing) a wave by another.
At least I think you can understand me that all these are very hard for me to express, even if I luckily get you understand my meaning, many details I'm afraid I lack time and also the ability to go into details in just a few weeks. Anyway the exchange is meaningful and you are great, thank you for communication.