Thank you for your detailed comments Vortex.
And thank you for your polite responses, Nelson. Such restraint of painful passion - which my writings here probably already provoked in you - is rare and laudable. I am much more used to the hysterical froth-at-the-mouth vehemence coming from my opponents. Seems you hold yourself to the virtue that is almost completely lost nowadays: the respect to one's enemy. This is the virtue I hold to myself.
That's a super aggressive stance though.
Yes, my stance is radical and militant. I never intended it to be anything else. This is not a fluffy generic love-and-peace that I proclaim, but an open and hostile confrontation with what I will NOT to be - such as digital totalitarianism, be it Chinese, Russian or Western. Digital totalitarianism is absolutely unwillable by me, and by those others whose volitions are like mine, ones who stand for individual freedom first and foremost. Its existence can be neither approved, nor even tolerated, by myself and the ones whose volitions is like mine. No peace with it is possible, under no conditions. It is to be erased from existence - for such is my will, and the wills of others standing on my side of this conflict.
Try to understand it, Nelson: for a free-spirited person like myself, existence under the yoke of the digital totalitarianism is HELL - very literally and unmetaphorically so. It is an infernal condition that completely kills the free spirit, dooms a free one to a soul death. And hell is one thing that just CANNOT be allowed to exist. There is NO justification that can be put forward in defence of hell and the soul death it brings; no excuse for killing one's spirit can be ever wrought.
And there are certainly some Chinese people who are free spirits like me - possibly much more than we know.
The problem with totalitarianism, Nelson, is that protesting it in the open is difficult and dangerous to the point of being nearly impossible. So, out of all people who disapprove of it, and suffer from it, only the tiniest fraction will ever express their disagreement and distress publicly - and only the tiniest fraction of this tiniest fraction of open opponents will become famous enough to be noticed outside of a totalitarian society.
So, the apparent "mass loyalty" to a totalitarian power is always a falsehood, only existing because of a massive repressive and restrictive apparatus that is nearly impossible to challenge. And apparatus itself exists only because discontent does exist: if everyone were loyal, there would be no need to maintain its costly functioning.
So, Nelson, my unanswered question for you still stands:
why do Chinese need their colossal digital machinery of surveillance, censorship and persecution if eveyone approves of power structure? Wouldn't it be excessive and unnecessary?
That's why I sympathise with Jason Jorjani. He also have enough courage not only to stand for, and struggle for, something that he wills to be, but to understand, and accept, that this inevitably requires standing against, and struggling against, something that is incompatible and irreconcilable with what he wills to be. He is honest with himself, and with others, that there are some things he wills NOT to be - even if it leads him in a conflict with others whose wills are different.
And so, despite certain disagreements I have with him, I respect him. This won't change even if he would one day become the enemy of mine as well, due to our disagreements over certain things. We might become enemies in some other respects, be we still be allies in opposition to digital totalitarianism - in our decisions that it is to be eradicated forever.
As professor Rufus Fears so well explained, there are different types of freedom: of the individual, of the family, of the religion, of the nation.
There are no "families", "religions" or "nations". They have no "status", no "rights", even no existence. These are, literally, semiotic games individuals play with each other and with themselves; fanciful illusions projected by the individuals on existential chaos they face in order to construct some transient and limited semblance of order.
Individuals, their wills and their choices are all that is real. Everything else is just a play; play that is oftentimes - well, even most times - goes awry, when the players lost themselves in it and start to reify (or even deify) the semiotic constructs they, themselves, wrought - and that they are free to demolish any moment, if their wills are such.
This does not mean that such illusions are contemtible. Not at all. If being voluntarily accepted, and engaged in, they may become artisitc and brilliant, enriching and refining our existence. They can provide some necessary structure for a deeper, and more engaging, existential game. Without them, our existence would have become bland and boring.
But one should always remember that such games are, ultimately, just games. While players are willing to engage, they can be wonderful. But if unwilling ones are forced into them, they turn into nightmares.
To be precise, I consider ALL involuntary power structures, be they familial, governmental, corporate, clerical, academic, whatever, to be - most literally and unmetaphorically so - BDSM plays that had gone out of control and far, far beyond "safe, sane and consensual" principles that make them acceptable. Putin, Zelensky, Erdogan, Modi, Xi, Macron, Scholz, Sunak, Trudeau, Biden - all of them, for me, are simply BDSM enthusiasts with severe self-control problems, who lost their sanity and started forcing unwilling people into their own sadomasochistic fantasy-enactments.
These "world leaders" are sad people, really, all of them. Were they not in charge of the repressive and restrictive institutional apparatuses, were they not capable of enslaving, tormenting and exterminating people large-scale, they could have been pitied. But, unfortunately, they are in control - and all of us, in danger and distress.
Your extreme and aggressive prioritising of individual freedom would be attacking the other types of freedom above. It's not a live and let live approach
What is funny, I am actually "live and let live" type to the ultimate extreme, but under one fundamental condition -
participation in any activity must be voluntary for each participant. As long as each one engages willingly, I can and do approve of absolutely ANYTHING, no matter how deeply unlikeable for a non-participant.
And I approve of absolutely NOTHING that is against participants' own volition, no matter what kind of justifications are presented.