Leanne Whitney, Jung, Patanjali and the Seat of Consciousness |476|


Leanne Whitney, Jung, Patanjali and the Seat of Consciousness |476|
by Alex Tsakiris | Dec 8 | Consciousness Science, Spirituality

Dr. Leanne Whitney explores the shadow work of Jung, and it’s connection to Patanjali |476|

Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:24] But they didn’t understand the connection with Patanjali at least not nearly as much as today’s guest, Dr. Leanne Whitney. Dr. Leanne Whitney: [00:00:35] That’s why I’m saying if this moment is anything, it’s also a moment to call us towards fearlessness and that’s what Patanjali, you know, pushes us towards more so than Jung does. Alex Tsakiris: [00:00:48] So the Shadow work may be something that we do have to experience on the way towards Patanjali’s transcendent seat of, we’re co-creators and everything so just relax, everything’s perfect the way it is. Dr. Leanne Whitney: [00:01:06] There’s no way to get to that comfortable seat without doing all that work.
Well, since having heard the Dalai Lama say, "Buddha say, You are your own master." I'm inclined to adopt not either Jung or Patanjali as my super hero for spiritual instruction/enlightenment/salvation. It's entirely up to me to find the path. A few facts are worth bearing in mind though. All that is originates from one and the same conscious Source. We are all part of that Source. Any pain or misery I inflict on others whether human or animal is also felt by that same Source. So my own, though hard, relatively pleasant reality could consequently change in a negative way. Since I would prefer not to reap bitter fruits, wisdom intuitively suggests that I not sow toward such either. I find some comfort through the unpredictable experience of life this way.
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Well, since having heard the Dalai Lama say, "Buddha say, You are your own master." I'm inclined to adopt not either Jung or Patanjali as my super hero for spiritual instruction/enlightenment/salvation.
agreed... disintermediation :)