Marc Malone, Opting Out of The Great Reset |537|

I think its a bit myopic to lay all this at the feet of "unregulated capitalism".

This phenomenon goes back to the dawn of civilization regardless of the form or specific "ism".

Certainly, a good point is that power has always wanted more.
In this case, however, it's very hard to argue Bill Gates would be causing as much mischief as he is, if they didn't break up Microsoft for his bad business shenanigans back in early 2000s. But, 9/11 happened and all of that suddenly went away.
When the white-collar crime cops suddenly are unfunded, one has to raise the alarm.
In the end, too much power in the hands of too few people is ALWAYS a problem.
So explain to me this. If the Great Reset is using Global Warming to enable a Great Reset, why does both Biden and Trump fight this particular lawsuit for a "livable planet"?
So explain to me this. If the Great Reset is using Global Warming to enable a Great Reset, why does both Biden and Trump fight this particular lawsuit for a "livable planet"?

Why? Because "Constitutional rights" that apply to individuals don't fit the Great Reset agenda — which is to put total control in the hands of a few oligarchs who make all the rules for everybody.
Why? Because "Constitutional rights" that apply to individuals don't fit the Great Reset agenda — which is to put total control in the hands of a few oligarchs who make all the rules for everybody.

Folks need to get their conspiracies organized. Either the powerful are using "the lie" of Global Warming to help their Great Reset agenda, or they aren't.
OR. The Great Reset is nothing to do with any of this, and is one again unregulated capitalism just grabbing as much power and wealth in the hands of the corporations.
Folks need to get their conspiracies organized. Either the powerful are using "the lie" of Global Warming to help their Great Reset agenda, or they aren't.
OR. The Great Reset is nothing to do with any of this, and is one again unregulated capitalism just grabbing as much power and wealth in the hands of the corporations.
I see no reason why the situation can't be both. What constitutes "the lie" isn't whether or not climate change is or isn't real, but that the reality of it isn't being exploited for as much power and profit as can be extracted from it by the rich and powerful — Good video BTW.
The issue is, as I see it, that there are a group of folks who don't see this as a structural problem with unregulated corporate capitalism, and some group of folks that have a bizarre trust in authority. Both sides need to step back and look.
For the former, all we've seen is corporate profits destroying the planet, looking at billionaire tech folk saying that they have better answers to solutions using ways to make them more profit than actually working on social-democratic community based, effective government based solutions. Not top-down but actual communities making differences on a local level that moves upwards in a real grassroots way. This is why Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were so popular because they set off the fire of populism which people on either side recognize that the powerful have been trying to guide and remove options from the average citizen.
For the latter, they used to be suspicious of authority, and supportive of independent media. But when media colluded with the governments to not challenge their choices but rather act as stenographers for them, the latter ended up missing that dangerous step.
And that's why independent, yet honest actors in journalism are important.
How do we know them? They don't hide their bias, but they also critique it in their writing and they are loved and loathed by both sides based on their reporting.
People like Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, The Lever. Julian Assange. You can see them get attacked by either side.
What's fascinating is this discussion. I think it better aligns the fact that those pushing "The Great Reset' aren't just "bad people" but rather the neo-liberal order that was ushered in by Reagan and then by Clinton and held up by the current democratic party even to that of currently Biden.
It's a last gasp of a failed system that uses corporate capitalism to rob countries of sovereignty and of their own ability to choose labour, environmental, and tax laws. This is why a strong social democratic streak in any government system is needed. It forces the government to be responsive to their own nation of people first and not global commerce.
Even as divisions rise in the world, the governments of the world’s largest economies appear to be on a strikingly similar page when it comes to rolling out digital health certificates, digital identity schemes and central bank digital currencies.

G20 Statement:
We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.

When it comes to the COVID-19 certificates, particularly the vaccine passports used across most Western countries, it is hard to imagine what exactly the G-20 means by the word “success”. Perhaps it’s a reference to the massive profits the vaccine passports helped to fuel for the vaccine developers, particularly Pfizer and Moderna, by strongly coercing people into taking the vaccine.

However, as a means of reducing transmission of COVID-19, the vaccine passports used in Europe, North America and Australia did precious little, for the simple reason that the vaccines to which they are tied are non-sterilizing. As a Pfizer executive recently admitted to a European Parliament special commission, Pfizer never tested its product for preventing transmission.

Indeed, COVID-19 vaccine passports may have actually exacerbated the spread of the disease by creating a false sense of security among vaccine recipients. How else to explain the fact that by the end of 2021 the European Union, whose 27 member states had been using vaccine passports to one degree or another for half a year, was once again ground zero for the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yet the governments of all G-20 economies have just acknowledged the importance of “recognizing digital and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations,” in combating COVID-19 and future pandemics. They are also calling for the establishment of “trusted global digital health networks.”

G20 Statement:

When it comes to the COVID-19 certificates, particularly the vaccine passports used across most Western countries, it is hard to imagine what exactly the G-20 means by the word “success”. Perhaps it’s a reference to the massive profits the vaccine passports helped to fuel for the vaccine developers, particularly Pfizer and Moderna, by strongly coercing people into taking the vaccine.

However, as a means of reducing transmission of COVID-19, the vaccine passports used in Europe, North America and Australia did precious little, for the simple reason that the vaccines to which they are tied are non-sterilizing. As a Pfizer executive recently admitted to a European Parliament special commission, Pfizer never tested its product for preventing transmission.

Indeed, COVID-19 vaccine passports may have actually exacerbated the spread of the disease by creating a false sense of security among vaccine recipients. How else to explain the fact that by the end of 2021 the European Union, whose 27 member states had been using vaccine passports to one degree or another for half a year, was once again ground zero for the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yet the governments of all G-20 economies have just acknowledged the importance of “recognizing digital and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations,” in combating COVID-19 and future pandemics. They are also calling for the establishment of “trusted global digital health networks.”
Is anyone propping up the notion that the vaccines provide any material reduction in transmission rates? I thought that ship sailed over a year ago?

Certainly, that wasn't the message prior to it becoming obvious to all of us. There was all that talk about 90%+ efficacy which we all took to mean it WOULD stop transmission. No one's really been called to the carpet on that one and that's too bad. In a better world, the regulatory bodies would have addressed that issue. It is what it is I guess.

But again, all that being said, you really have to attack the notion that the vaccines reduce severity and death from a COVID infection. The mainstream data seems to support as much. I'm sure there are contra-mainstream "data" that calls it into question. The point being: if world health regulatory bodies have a leg to stand on when it comes to reducing severity/death then at least there's an argument for continued vaccine support.
Is anyone propping up the notion that the vaccines provide any material reduction in transmission rates? I thought that ship sailed over a year ago?
Well in Europe a Pfizer executive did testify that Pfizer had not tested whether the "vaccine" reduces transmission and consequently had no data to support this claim.

Despite their being no scientific justification for vaccine mandates, they remain in place in a number of areas. I have friends in Canada that are still out of work for this reason and I cannot enter the USA.

But again, all that being said, you really have to attack the notion that the vaccines reduce severity and death from a COVID infection. The mainstream data seems to support as much. I'm sure there are contra-mainstream "data" that calls it into question. The point being: if world health regulatory bodies have a leg to stand on when it comes to reducing severity/death then at least there's an argument for continued vaccine support.
Note that due to safety concerns about the "vaccine" a number of jurisdictions now recommend against the usage, for example Denmark.

There are many studies now about negative consequences from the mRNA treatment. Mainstream news is starting to report that vaccinated are more likely to die from Covid than non-vaccinated. But Fauci can still recommend everyone get boosted.

There are a number of lawsuits underway in the USA that will gradually expose more information. However I am doubtful that USA will will hold anyone accountable.
Here is an example of MSM change in narrative:
It’s no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated
For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.
Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Alex often brings the point back to dealing with evil.

Solzhenitsyn stated "the line between good and evil runs down every human's heart". Perhaps it has always been an individual battle.

Jordan Peterson interviews Matt Ridley on the origins of covid. They talk about the politicization of science and how true science can't function under totalitarian (marxist) regimes because under such conditions honesty is impossible. It is also mentioned that Fauci was included in email exchanges with the world's top virologists who immediately came to the conclusion that Covid was a lab leak, but who also thought such information should be downplayed because it would get in the way of future gain of function research.

More information on the lab leak.

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