The justification for centralized control of the population is this: with our technology we have created an artificially soft environment with cheap energy so the harshness of mother nature and tribal wars are no longer available to shape the body/mind of the human being and to keep us grounded in mortal serious problems. Technology always provides a positive and a negative. The positives are pretty obvious. Some negatives are obvious if you go to McDonalds or Walmart at midnight, inner cities, urban sprawl, isolation, lack of community, lack of purpose, etc... all the things Ted Kaczynski and other luddites have been bitching about.
When man took the fruit of knowledge of good/evil he was cast out of the soft environment into a harsh environment for a reason. He was prohibited from getting back in to take from the tree of life (free energy) for a reason. The harsh environment is necessary for the individual to "know" and confront the good and evil in his own heart and is also necessary to prevent natural genetic devolution. But in the age of CRISPR and mRNA vaccines who needs mother nature to prevent genetic devolution? Who will be permitted to augment their progeny with superhuman genes? Who will be forced wittingly or unwittingly to accept a genetic alteration that domesticates or sterilizes them instead?
If earth is a soul school, technology just gave us Chat GPT and we're all cheating like mad.
“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained.” -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
If we are given free/cheap energy without having earned it in the harsh environment we destroy ourselves or make ourselves domesticated.
Since we have created an artificial environment we have to have artificial controls on the population. The national parks say "don't feed the wildlife" because they will become dependent. But once an animal is domesticated and dependent - artificially soft environment - you have to keep them on the dole and control their reproduction if you want them to be useful for anything.
Now personally, the notion my offspring would become domesticated and dependent is disgusting to me... I want my branch of humanity to be more like that wolf at the top than the chihuahua in a pink purse... but from the elite's perspective: that chihuahua doesn't seem to mind riding along in the pink purse. He owns nothing and is happy.
But since some humans are partially domesticated I think the elites have decided that for those who are willing to put up with it, let's finish the process... they will "eat ze bugs" and "own nothing and be happy".
Well of course there are many who will choose not to put up with it and there will always be a way out for us... it will be increasingly difficult to find a way out but that is the benefit of a harsh environment: only those with the will and fitness to make it will make it.
The problem I see is that those of us who don't want to be domesticated are stuck in a reaction to the elites instead of recognizing some of the reasons behind their plans and matching them with a better plan. Kudos to Jordan Peterson for at least attempting to lay out a better plan:
But I don't hear Jordan addressing some of the problems that the tyrannical elites have correctly identified - the detrimental impacts of cheap energy.
Yes we know CO2 induced anthropogenic global warming is a hoax, but for the elites it is a "noble lie"... the simplest way to make energy more expensive in attempt to reintroduce some harshness to the environment so that those at the bottom will continue to fall off the bottom.
I love the idea of "15-minute cities" - pedestrian friendly thriving town centers instead of sprawling metroplexes - but hate the idea that I would be prohibited from leaving them whenever I choose.
I think the elites want to create a division in humanity. They want to put down and/or enslave/domesticate those who are already down. They don't want to make an effort to lift up or improve their fellow humans. They figure that those who want to improve themselves and their line will struggle and find a way to do so. They want to give those they perceive to be lesser humans the rope to hang themselves (and make a profit off the rope). They see themselves as a necessary replacement for the harshness of mother nature.
The elites are in some sense parasites... but what is the biological adaptation to parasites? Sex. Male/female recombining genes every generation giving the parasites a moving target and never letting them get the upper hand and I think we can agree this was a positive development... What would the modern social analog be to deal with a parasitic elite?
It's like that Chinese koan where one bad thing happens and everyone is like, "that's too bad!" but the man says, " maybe good, maybe bad," and then a good thing happens, and the man says, "maybe good, maybe bad", and so on... it is a perpetual oscillation and all we can really say is... this is interesting!