That's a completely subjective take Jim. You're welcome to it, but you can't substantiate it as fact.
Its just as easy to paint a picture of Trump as an egocentric figure seeking the highest office to placate himself. A marketer. Someone who's broken promises at scale in business in the past. Its all there.
I don't know how you'd know he was being authentic unless you knew the man's soul (which you don't).
So often I hear that Trump "tried his best", but that he faced opposition from within. This conveniently leaves out the fact that Trump appointed the neocons HIMSELF!!!
Trump didn't drain the swamp. He restocked it with swamp creatures.
Explanation that is most in alignment with observable reality:
1) Trump = narcissist who played the electorate for his own self-agrandisement
2) Trump = controlled opposition
3) both of the above