I’d like to get Forum vibes on this guy Jason Breshears. I stumbled onto his work a couple days ago and he’s been blowing my mind one video after another. Jason has a unique explanation of Simulation hypothesis that is almost faulty to call such due to all other available sloppy attempts. Pretty much every subject I’ve heard him cover is either in line with or matches my own perception. In just two days I’ve had at least 5-6 omg moments with ideas like:
-Simulation-but also real
-Christ consciousness (while his take on Christianity is right in line with Alex’s, including the Josephus narrative)
-Pyramid geopolymer theory
-higher selves operating in these bodies as avatars.
-the “devil” being very similar to AI
-“pre-earth” life and this life being some kind of educational
And so on.
**Massive disclaimer** the guy rambles very similarly to David Icke, so not much of a guest suggestion, but more importantly I’d beg you to listen past it to the substance enough to get a real reading on whether it sound like truth to you.
Hi Robbie, I watched the part of the video you especially recommended and some more of it, and a short video by Jason Breshears on timelines. My initial thoughts:
The cosmology he describes sounds compatible with gnosticism (with the demiurge being the equivalent of the AI simulation creator). It's also compatible with the idea in Hinduism and Buddhism of wanting to escape the cycle of birth, death and rebirth
But later on in the video, Jason Breshears' comes across as very certain about aspects of the great pyramid in Egypt. Over the years, I've looked into this topic from many different perspectives, and I came to the conclusion that the standard academic explanation for the purpose etc. of the great pyramid makes the most sense. The channel Ancient Architects has an excellent video on this