Nelson Apostata, Extended Consciousness, ET, NDE |553|

That's an excellent point. Actually I WOULD look at it from a religious angle. Why is it that ET / UFO being type experiences are so often interpreted in a religious way, around the world and throughout history... It hardly seems a coincidence

I agree. Pasalka even makes it seem as if the Jesuits are a harmless group, sipping on their coffees every morning just doing their own thing

But that could have multiple reasons and they're not mutually exclusive. For example, a thought experiment: they may want to raise awareness about what genuinely happened to them for the following reasons:

1. Fascinating, deep and important topic
2. To clear their name, that they aren't crazy or devilrous (as even members of the Bledsoe family reportedly thought of Chris Bledsoe in the beginning)
3. To raise enough awareness in the public so that they don't become targets for assassination (Ryan has told about death threats to them from deepstate agents). The optimal strategy for survival is to either stay anonymous or to become so well-known that the murder would backfire on the assassins/confirm that what the murdered person was right all along

I've hardly ever watched Joe Rogan. Is there a particular excerpt that you'd recommend that you find especially damning?

I know what you mean. The new age type influence seems to be a massive assumption by many. That's what I meant in an earlier post about Eckhart Tolle's teachings. He is brilliant as a meditation teacher. But what he says in his book A New Earth, that people's consciousness is increasing on the planet, that people are becoming more and more present in the moment, so much so that there'll be a complete transformation of human societies... But where's the evidence for this? On the contrary, I see a small minority who are aware of being present and systematically trying to understand existence, whereas most people are headed in totally the opposite direction, as the last couple of years has especially shown. That's not to take away how brilliant Eckhart is as a meditation teacher and I'm almost certain he means well. He has also corrected himself since 2020 about the state of consciousness of most people and even called it "scary" how manipulated most people have become

I haven't paid much attention to Tom Delong. Can you recommend a video that supports what you're saying about him?

I must admit, I didn't watch all the
Union of the Unwanted video. I can't stand the format. So many people in the video conference and hardly any deep back and forth because of that. So I was skipping through the video looking just at the parts where I could see Bledsoe speaking. I thought I'd caught all of his excerpts but missed that part about promoting his movie.
(I did see all of the Bledsoe Said So episodes though, up till when I did the interview with Alex, so I've listened to many hours of Bledsoe talking)

But one could turn that same reasoning around, because the Bledsoe family was apparently very wealthy before the whole ufo thing

It's so easy to say "who gives a shit" as an anonymous commenter on the Internet... Don't underestimate how horrific ostracism can be

But why want money?
Material comfort: which the Bledsoes apparently had in abundance already.
Social status / respect in the community: almost destroyed by the UFO disclosure.
Ability to attract a mate: difficult if you're considered weirdo's or devilrous by your community.
So why would Chris Bledsoe inflict this on his family if it's just to make some more money considering he was apparently already very wealthy? The ostracism from the community sounds horrendous

I believe Ryan Bledsoe was probably mkultra'd.

I don't think that's true. If he were merely a scammer trying to grift then is that (as seen from the extended consciousness realm) not also a rich spiritual life? Even if someone had been a victim of mkultra and hadn't broken out of the programming, is that person also not living a rich spiritual life?

A few days ago I might have said no. But through the discussions here, and on reflection, I now lean more towards Alex's view that (even if one were under the control of mkultra or possessed by another being), as seen from the extended consciousness realm, it seems plausible that one is still leading a rich spiritual life

Respect, my brother, this is very well thought out. Some things to think about:

1. If the Bledsoe family was very wealthy before the UFO thing....then they will continue to be very wealthy after.
2. On Tom Delong: watch his interview with Joe Rogan in its entirety. He is clearly full of shit. Let me know what you think.
3. Listen to the entire Union of the Unwanted with Ryan Bledsoe and witness how he is hording the microphone. Also, go back and watch him on Sam Tripoli's Tin Foil Hat. Furthermore, the heart string tugging, the constant bullshit about crying and almost crying, but also that embedded into the relentless "I am Bledsoe and I am here to fight the deep state" bullshit. How do you couple this with hanging out with everybody in the deep state, as he gloriously brags about?
4. Pasulka's book did seem to hint toward being a Catholic apologist, but it is hers in her own way. Like I already mentioned, it is rude of this guy, who looks like he recently reached puberty, to be doxing people out of her book. She seems like a nice enough woman, even if she does believe in the bullshit Catholic religion, but he is doing it in a format that will only boost his notoriety at her expense. Hence, he is a fucking Rat....excuse my language, but it fits this Rat.
5. Ryan is trying to make a business out of the paranormal. That is obvious. Who knows, maybe his father either saw some shit or is schizophrenic. Fuck, ostracism from the community is the only argument for them? I have been ostracized from nearly every community in my life since birth, but I am not trying to found a "cry and fight" against the CIA, while at the same time claiming to hang out with all of them. Again, didn't you say they are wealthy? Anybody that bitches about being ostracized from a community should try being homeless for a few years, first, in an area where they don't know anybody.
6. I am as only anonymous as you think I am. Everywhere I go, I am pretty obvious.
7. Anybody can claim to be "Mkulra'd" these days and get a good story going. This is exactly what Ryan Bledsoe and so many others are attempting to do.

Nevertheless, my brother, I appreciate your feedback. However, I do think it is important that we lend a critical ear to people like Ryan Bledsoe. Every time I hear him talk, my bullshit meter starts redlining. He reminds me of that Reservoir Dog scene where they find out that he actually is a cop.

It seemed pretty important to me. who's more important right now?

what does this mean? he's been around for a long time... longer than Gaia I think.

what are you referring to?

you mean Tom DeLonge? I don't think Grant has been on Rogan.

anyway, yr entitled to yr opinion, but I sure wish you dig up some real stuff that could move the conversation forward... e.g. links, quotes, researchers who I could have on the show, etc.

Grant Cameron has been on Joe Rogan a lot, but I am not looking that up right now. Nevertheless, you can watch the interview with Tom DeLong, and it is Tom Damnlong, and it sucks. Not hard to find, but I am not going to parse it for you. Anybody that wants to listen to that interview will clearly see Tom DeLong is a fucking idiot by the time the interview is over.
Listening to this episode right now for probably the 5th time. Recent Skeptiko has been amazing, top of the top.

Thanks for the feedback Robbie!
Before Alex and I did the interview, I wrote a page of notes about patterns and anomalies that I'd noticed in the data about consciousness over the years. As you know, there was a lot packed into that discussion! :D
On Tom Delong: watch his interview with Joe Rogan in its entirety. He is clearly full of shit. Let me know what you think

Highly doubt Tom Delong is an idiot. I think the word is fraud, and to conflate fraud with idiocy sets us back.

Previously I'd mainly looked at overall patterns in the data over thousands of years and across cultures. So I hadn't given so much attention to the minutiae of the "disclosure" politicking

But pretending I don't know anything about Tom DeLongue and just listening to him in a few interviews, he comes across to me as non-academic but very intelligent, driven, and perceptive. His main method is also in line with mine: looking for overall patterns. And he emphasises the importance of consciousness. So overall I was impressed.

Maybe I'm being too naive, but maybe his story about how he got involved in the "disclosure" movement is genuine. To paraphrase what he said to Rogan, he's providing a service for elements in the U.S. government, for slow disclosure, to get the pressure off these people, by having a communicator who is relatable to many people; whereas Tom in return gets inside information on what's going on with UFO research. So a win-win situation
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Anybody that wants to listen to that interview will clearly see Tom DeLong is a fucking idiot by the time the interview is over.

pls don't post stuff like this.!!:3

In this interview, Tom DeLongue talks about consciousness:
47:00 timestamp:
I still haven't looked that much at Tom DeLongue as a source, but he's impressed me so far. Intelligent, insightful, seems genuinely passionate and sees consciousness as very important

In contrast, in the same interview, Jim Semivan comes across as PR / propaganda first:
52:00 timestamp:
"You can't have a disinformation program in the government. It's illegal. You can't do that. I wouldn't do that personally. I mean, that's terrible. You cannot influence the population of the United States. Governments can't do that. It's called an operation and you can't have that. We don't do that"

57:00 timestamp. One of the interviewers pushes back, citing mkultra, mocking bird, and blue book

It's an interesting back and forth
but maybe his story about how he got involved in the "disclosure" movement is genuine. To paraphrase what he said to Rogan, he's providing a service for elements in the U.S. government, for slow disclosure, to get the pressure off these people, by having a communicator who is relatable to many people; whereas Tom in return gets inside information on what's going on with UFO research. So a win-win situation
The vibe I get is that the US employs DeLonge to assist with disclosure in the same way the NWO employs Ukraine to defeat Russia. Same energy, hype, bolstering, obfuscation, and outcome. In my opinion DeLonge is there to make Not-Getting-New-Info feel fun and cool.
The vibe I get is that the US employs DeLonge to assist with disclosure in the same way the NWO employs Ukraine to defeat Russia. Same energy, hype, bolstering, obfuscation, and outcome. In my opinion DeLonge is there to make Not-Getting-New-Info feel fun and cool.
Light bulb moment.
I bet the DeLonge op is funded directly from accounts responsible for the 180 day Navy deadline to disclose “hazard reports”.
Like “Alright Sarg.. go grab a popular rockstar or someone cool and get them to make this nothing burger sound real exciting.”…
In my opinion DeLonge is there to make Not-Getting-New-Info feel fun and cool.

I can see that. So bare minimum disclosure while still getting the pressure off. Let Tom DeLonge make it seem cool, while giving the message that the deepstate isn't to blame for not allowing greater disclosure, that they have our interests at heart.

So Tom is getting used by the deepstate. Yet on the other hand, Tom is using the deepstate, to glean some insider info about his life-long passion.
I can see that. So bare minimum disclosure while still getting the pressure off. Let Tom DeLonge make it seem cool, while giving the message that the deepstate isn't to blame for not allowing greater disclosure, that they have our interests at heart.

So Tom is getting used by the deepstate. Yet on the other hand, Tom is using the deepstate, to glean some insider info about his life-long passion.
A win-win for DeLonge and the Deepstate definitely.
Like “Alright Sarg.. go grab a popular rockstar or someone cool and get them to make this nothing burger sound real exciting.”…

Maybe it was just a reactive, opportunistic action from certain characters in the deepstate though. I can imagine it happened just like DeLonge described in his Rogan interview. (DeLonge does seem like a very proactive, energised guy.) So he went to people in the government, wanting to find out about UFOs. Due to his fame, the deepstate characters didn't just brush him off. Then one of them thought, "maybe we can use this guy as our cool-guy spokesman, to get pressure off us and nobody will be the wiser..."
Previously I'd mainly looked at overall patterns in the data over thousands of years and across cultures. So I hadn't given so much attention to the minutiae of the "disclosure" politicking

But pretending I don't know anything about Tom DeLongue and just listening to him in a few interviews, he comes across to me as non-academic but very intelligent, driven, and perceptive. His main method is also in line with mine: looking for overall patterns. And he emphasises the importance of consciousness. So overall I was impressed.

Maybe I'm being too naive, but maybe his story about how he got involved in the "disclosure" movement is genuine. To paraphrase what he said to Rogan, he's providing a service for elements in the U.S. government, for slow disclosure, to get the pressure off these people, by having a communicator who is relatable to many people; whereas Tom in return gets inside information on what's going on with UFO research. So a win-win situation

Also, he could never grow a beard.
You're right. Joe Rogan's podcast is so popular, there'd bound to be traces of a show somewhere on the Internet if Grant Cameron had been interviewed by Joe Rogan

Let me help you down the Ratilian Rabbit hole with pictures. Notice the rat faces of these people, not the reptilian face or "cat eye" that many people refer to as a reptilian eye. Most idiots do not know, because they are not snake owners, that not all snakes have a slit as a pupil. Lets take a look at a few of these rat faces, and create a data base. Also, all rats have beady eyes, so the shape of the pupil is inconsequential.

Number 5
Rat faced Bill Gates. Notice the small beady eyes and pointy snout. Also, using glasses as a prop to appear as intelligent. These rats don't create anything or help anybody. In fact, this rat would love to give you the bubonic plague if it put a few more pieces of cheese in his bank account.


Number 4
Rat Faced Ellen Degenerous, the degenerate. Rats always appeal to your heart, right? - Until they eat it and drink your babies blood! Notice the similarities between Bill and Ellen. Same snout and so called happy go lucky, "save the world," look on their faces! They love everybody, right? Does that look like a reptile? No, reptiles don't smile, idiots! Just rats and monkeys! Again, the beady, yet subtly aggressive eyes to the uninitiated, but nonetheless, a true blood licking rat.


Number 3
Rat Faced Bob Lazar. This rat has been lying to everybody for years because it gets his Rat Trek juices flowing. He also loves to play that victim nonsense. This guy is higher up on the rat faced rankings then most because of his uncanny ability to infiltrate the highest levels of media. We have seen him on several prominent media platforms over the past many decades. Notice the similarity between his face and all the other rat faces on this list. Here is a picture of him on the Joe Rogan experience sporting a shirt that champions the periodic table.


Numer 2
Rat Faced Dean Radin.....the rat that high jacked spiritual awakening by championing transhumanism on the great podcast, Skeptiko. This clown had to kind of back door his way into the world of free spirits, by, at first, acting like a champion of alternative experimentation. However, he was only in the maze for the cheese, and all of us didn't know it was not just cheese, but the kind with maggots in it. He is devoted to giving your evolution a little push because that will help you get through the maze a little quicker! Ready for that MRNA injection? Honestly, I can't tell the difference between this rat face and the former dictator of Russia, Lenin, another rat face! Let me do a side by side for you all!


Number 1 Rat face in the world, bar non!

Mother fuckin Dr. Fauci! Mass murderer, certainly rat faced, tugs at heart strings, and stops hearts from beating. This guy has been killing people for over 40 years and just can't stop! Formulator of the vaccine mandate, double mask wearing, piece of SHIT! This diminutive rat is the king of rats. Also, notice the similarity between him and all these other ratilians!


Now, think of it, my friends! Was it really reptilians trying to kill us all off, or is it ratilians? Rat faced people, who don't even have to shape shift! What is more likely?
A win-win for DeLonge and the Deepstate definitely.

How about Tom DeLonge is trying to get traction after teeny boppers thought he was too old to listen to him at concerts? Dude, I have had real paranormal shit happen in my life, but I am not trying to create business models out of it. To me, it is quite simple: these people use this alien shit to make money. They are truly full of shit. If you listen to their interviews, a lot of them have this to say when they are cornered: "I can't tell you that, the world isn't ready for it," nonsense. Tom DeLonge does it, so does that fucking idiot Ryan Bledsoe. I know, this sounds harsh and so forth and I am sorry, but this is how these type of people talk. Basically, they draw you in with that kind of nonsense.
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