Rich Giordano, UFO Hoaxes And/Or Ops |550|

I thought Rich came across as quite a skeptic. I don't know his shows and might try and check them out (goof on?) but I felt his cynicism about the consciousness angle and potential connection to Ufology wasn't coming from an evidence based place just personal experience. He literally said he tried for four years to summon aliens and nothing came to visit him! I found that quite funny. Maybe you're not the chosen one Rich. I understand the need and desire to pursue factual evidence based Ufology obviously, I just think he wasn't as clued up on all related topics.

I tend to agree with you. In one case he said he had "this guy" who tells him what to base his opinions on, but we don't have access to "that guy", and "that guy" could be someone like James Randi, with CIA connections and questionable ethics. I'd like to see Rich explain why he believes what he believes, and why he believes who he believes. Because when it came to James Randi, he was a fan boy and didn't really look too closely into the actual history of the guy.
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I thought Rich came across as quite a skeptic. I don't know his shows and might try and check them out (goof on?) but I felt his cynicism about the consciousness angle and potential connection to Ufology wasn't coming from an evidence based place just personal experience. He literally said he tried for four years to summon aliens and nothing came to visit him! I found that quite funny. Maybe you're not the chosen one Rich. I understand the need and desire to pursue factual evidence based Ufology obviously, I just think he wasn't as clued up on all related topics.
Yes, like demonology. He was lucky.
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But are we really that separate? My first wife knew exactly when she would be getting a phone call. She would hustle to the telephone and pick up the receiver the very second before it would normally have rung for the first time and begin talking. She always knew who was at the other end as well. It freaked me out a bit at first but I finally accepted the fact that she had exceptional intuition. It's worth adding you don't mess around on a woman like that.
I knew a family that learned a technique to use telepathy to contact each other so they wouldn't have to call or write. I never pursued it b/c nice ppl, but come on! I wish I had now!
I do wish you had gone into more detail on some of the people you had disagreed about with Rich. You did a pretty good quick overview of James Randi and why you found his credibility questionable. I wish Rich could have done the same thing for people like Whitley Strieber, Richard Dolan, the Bledsoe family etc. And could you clarify what recently came out with the Travis Walton case?

Rich doesn't seem very comfortable with psychic stuff, despite getting good results with remote viewing. He reminds me of Ray Hyman who agreed that there was a measurable effect, but he wouldn't go so far as to admit to psi.
Since Rich seems quite enamored w/ ETs, I'm quite sure it was a blow to not get a response from them despite all his trying. He reminded me of a yogi friend of mine who was a monk at Ananda Intentional Village. To my surprise, he confessed he'd led his brothers on about having the vision of the Mother. He said part of the monk's training was meditating in this narrow box for hours until you had the vision. He told me he did it twice, but never "saw" her. The second time he came out all smiles, but that was for the other monks so they'd leave him alone about it.
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I knew a family that learned a technique to use telepathy to contact each other so they wouldn't have to call or write. I never pursued it b/c nice ppl, but come on! I wish I had now!

Since Rich seems quite enamored w/ ETs, I'm quite sure it was a blow to not get a response from them despite all his trying. He reminded me of a yogi friend of mine who was a monk at Ananda Intentional Village. To my surprise, he confessed he'd led his brothers on about having the vision of the Mother. He said part of the monk's training was meditating in this narrow box for hours until you had the vision. He told me he did it twice, but never "saw" her. The second time he came out all smiles, but that was for the other monks so they'd leave him alone about it.

Trying to force yourself to have an psi experience is like trying to force yourself to be happy. It doesn't really work that way. You can set up the conditions in your life that would open up the possibility for happiness, but you can't push a button and force "happy" to manifest. Sometimes people are very frustrated in life when they have done everything "right" and they still aren't happy. Then there are other people living through very difficult circumstances who still manage to find joy in life.
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Scholarship lacking when one thinks just because they don't know or can't do it, it isn't "REAL".
Like LOTS of scepticism out there. Or belief systems in need of renovation.
We're ALL DIFFERENT. Skills and abilities. Strengths and weaknesses. Those arguments which generalize people will NEVER work.
THANK GOODNESS. I don't want to be anyone other than myself (except perhaps, my Self), and I wouldn't want anyone else to be me (although we may share a Self).
Going to be a hard transition from collectivism and group think and herd mentality to... NOT.
All the followers. Worshippers. Hard to show someone how to be an individual who doesn't already have that. Or who haven't really spent time by or with themselves.
Should be fun!
;) ;)
Wow. Responded to a twitter post about Lue Elizondo where an article had been written about him being a truther/whistleblower, and I responded with my not knowing whether he was disinfo agent or more actually someone trying to drum up money for arms. I was told "ABSOLUTELY 100% tell you that the pre-approved questions gossip is 100% trash. He REFUSES questions in advance." and I cited this podcast with Rich Giordiano and found out he's quite an unpopular guy! I was also told he has "history of sexual harassment against women in the community". I know it's just twitter and my my own confirmation bias, but the love for Lue Elizondo felt all a bit "Make Merica Grate 'gain" and my uncertainty around Rich's scepticism has now ebbed to ewwwwww.
Wow. Responded to a twitter post about Lue Elizondo where an article had been written about him being a truther/whistleblower, and I responded with my not knowing whether he was disinfo agent or more actually someone trying to drum up money for arms. I was told "ABSOLUTELY 100% tell you that the pre-approved questions gossip is 100% trash. He REFUSES questions in advance...

not sure what this means? do you know?
Rich Giordano, UFO Hoaxes And/Or Ops |550|
by Alex Tsakiris | Apr 26 | Others

Rich Giordano is a long-time UFO investigator and the creator and host of GUFON.

So I watched one of Rich's shows. Just to see if it was any good. It wasn't. I wasn't worried about his opinions on this stuff, I would have been happy with some entertainment. It just didn't do it for me. Apart from that, he gives his opinions on stuff (which is fine), but he clearly hasn't done a deep dive into the topics he covers. It's more of what Alex uncovered by bringing up James Randi. Rich takes some very questionable stuff on faith with no bothersome questioning (probably because it confirms his personal bias), while being quick to criticize others without really providing much evidence as to why he believes what he believes. I watched his show on Skinwalker Ranch. I just didn't find Rich's imitation of Brandon Fugal as a Nazi funny enough to make up for the lack of data on the subject at hand.

I have trouble understanding what Alex sees in this guy.
So I watched one of Rich's shows. Just to see if it was any good. It wasn't. I wasn't worried about his opinions on this stuff, I would have been happy with some entertainment. It just didn't do it for me. Apart from that, he gives his opinions on stuff (which is fine), but he clearly hasn't done a deep dive into the topics he covers. It's more of what Alex uncovered by bringing up James Randi. Rich takes some very questionable stuff on faith with no bothersome questioning (probably because it confirms his personal bias), while being quick to criticize others without really providing much evidence as to why he believes what he believes. I watched his show on Skinwalker Ranch. I just didn't find Rich's imitation of Brandon Fugal as a Nazi funny enough to make up for the lack of data on the subject at hand.

I have trouble understanding what Alex sees in this guy.

I get your point about Rich... but I guess it comes down to how many points you give him for seeing through Luis Elizondo... and then being willing to speak publicly about it. I think you got to give him a lot of points. it's a 400 points for Gryffindor kind of situation when you consider the guest that we've had who've whiffed on this question:
- richard dolan
- Leslie Kean
- ralph blumenthal

I still have a lot of respect for all of these folks, but their inability to see through Elizondo is a major fail. and it's one of those things I really can't wrap my head around... it's such an obvious op. what do you think is going on here?

Then again, the UFO skeptic stuff is equally hard ( or maybe even harder) to process. what do you think is going on with that?
I get your point about Rich... but I guess it comes down to how many points you give him for seeing through Luis Elizondo... and then being willing to speak publicly about it. I think you got to give him a lot of points. it's a 400 points for Gryffindor kind of situation when you consider the guest that we've had who've whiffed on this question:
- richard dolan
- Leslie Kean
- ralph blumenthal

I still have a lot of respect for all of these folks, but their inability to see through Elizondo is a major fail. and it's one of those things I really can't wrap my head around... it's such an obvious op. what do you think is going on here?

Then again, the UFO skeptic stuff is equally hard ( or maybe even harder) to process. what do you think is going on with that?
I don't think it is that unusual for people to question Elizondo. Certainly people questioned To The Stars Academy right from the start. I don't see how anyone who can't answer so many questions because of NDAs gets a free pass on trust. I think most people are just polite enough to Elizondo in case he drops a juicy tidbit, but I don't think people really trust him. They just want to be first in line when somebody finally says something worth hearing.

The UFO skeptic stuff is no different than the psi skeptic stuff. It's an op too. It's a game of playing both sides against one another to keep everyone distracted.
I don't think it is that unusual for people to question Elizondo. Certainly people questioned To The Stars Academy right from the start. I don't see how anyone who can't answer so many questions because of NDAs gets a free pass on trust. I think most people are just polite enough to Elizondo in case he drops a juicy tidbit, but I don't think people really trust him. They just want to be first in line when somebody finally says something worth hearing.

Definitely agree regarding the "juicy tidbits" but I think this is a major misstep for the key players.

the UFO story is the biggest story in history... nothing else is even close. it's remarkable that's so many smart people can so easily be distracted/ entertained by such contrived bullshit.

Doesn't it seem to you like the disinformation / misinformation campaign surrounding Elizondo and TTSA and DeLonge has been unbelievably sloppy... and carelessly transparent? it's hard to imagine this is intentional.

Elizondo and richard doty are two of the most interesting figures we could possibly imagine within this "deep state" thing... but no one seems to pay any attention. I don't get it.

consider this vid that Rich mentioned. the guy who produced is a UFO skeptic, so the whole thing kind of jumps the shark at the end, but the evidence he uncovers up to that point is compelling:

Definitely agree regarding the "juicy tidbits" but I think this is a major misstep for the key players.

the UFO story is the biggest story in history... nothing else is even close. it's remarkable that's so many smart people can so easily be distracted/ entertained by such contrived bullshit.

Doesn't it seem to you like the disinformation / misinformation campaign surrounding Elizondo and TTSA and DeLonge has been unbelievably sloppy... and carelessly transparent? it's hard to imagine this is intentional.

Elizondo and richard doty are two of the most interesting figures we could possibly imagine within this "deep state" thing... but no one seems to pay any attention. I don't get it.

consider this vid that Rich mentioned. the guy who produced is a UFO skeptic, so the whole thing kind of jumps the shark at the end, but the evidence he uncovers up to that point is compelling:

I've noticed that the champions of "Elizondo as a good guy" suddenly get a lot of popular interviews for their podcasts. I suspect that makes it easy to overlook a lot of things. And those who question Lue find themselves being attacked and essentially downranked in status in the UFO community and at UFO conventions. So promoting Lue has been greatly incentivized.

And look at the new UFO threat as entertainment stuff coming out.

Even the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch people when asked will say whatever they are investigating there is "malevolent". I personally find the show entertaining, but there are a lot of plot holes that need to be addressed. For instance, the "do not dig" thing cracks me up, because the area around the ranch has potential oil well sites staked out. the wells could potentially go underneath the ranch. This RV podcast shows the oil well sites (7:26) as well as digging equipment (31:45) in the adjacent land.

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haha... great point.

You should watch through to the bloopers on that RV video, because there is one part where the neighbors to the ranch are shining lights towards the Skinwalker Ranch property, and laughing about what the effect of that might be. There is also a scene in the video where they are showing a very spooky orange light that looks very similar to something shown in the TV show as anomalous, and the RV podcasters are getting very excited about it... then the guy who grew up there explains what the light is (spoiler alert, it wasn't paranormal). Keep in mind that the RV people are fans of the show and were not there to debunk it.
Rich Giordano, UFO Hoaxes And/Or Ops |550|
by Alex Tsakiris | Apr 26 | Others

Rich Giordano is a long-time UFO investigator and the creator and host of GUFON.

Alex asks: "What's the Op?"

My opinion: the primary objective of this Op is dissolving the fabric of society.

The key players in this Op (Lue, Chris, Puthoff, DeLong, etc...) might be genuine or partly genuine (or perhaps not at all genuine) in their efforts to bring about further government disclosure but the lockstep simultaneous green lighting of this in the MSM, Pentagon, and congress is evidence of "the Op".

I think there were two main reasons the UFO thing was covered up in 20th century:

1) Keep the fabric of society in tact: there were patriots in the government at the time who believed it was in the national interest to have a population with good mental health and strong societal fabric capable of resisting a foreign enemy. They believed that focus on UFOs could detract from that or weaken the country. The fake Martian invasion that aired on the radio and the panic that ensued showed just how unprepared the minds of Americans were to accept this reality.

2) Keep the enemy guessing as to whether or not this was our own advanced tech. Furthermore, if this was actually our enemy's advanced tech we didn't want to appear clueless about it. In other words, better to say nothing and be thought wise than open your mouth and remove all doubt. It might have really messed with the USSR's strategic planning if they could not be sure whether these flying saucers were from the USA or not.

What has changed?

Now it is very obvious there are no more US patriots in any positions of power and the goal of TPTB is to weaken the fabric of society. Every boundary has a wedge being pounded into it: race, gender identity, class, political identity, etc. The absurd obsessive focus on LGBTQI+++XYZ and race should be evidence to any thinking person not in the liberal cult that society is in the process of being scrambled and homogenized and weakened. The U.S. is in the process of being prepared to lose a major war and be broken up into pieces.

So since they (TPTB at the top of the globalist power structure who are directing the "lockstep" coordination of media, banking, major corporations, and governments) are pulling out all the stops in attempted to weaken society and since they have satisfied themselves that this is not any enemy's tech and since the enemies know this tech is not controlled by TPTB, then they might as well allow the pervasive dread of being watched and abducted and messed with by shadowy figures in the night to do its deleterious work on the psyche of the population. It also aids in the notion that a person is a "global citizen" rather than a national citizen. National boundaries exist in the first place as a response to outside threats. So to relocate the boundary from the nation to the globe the outside threat has to be relocated as well.

Of course now that Americans have had a few decades of TV shows and movies to prepare their minds for the possibility that aliens are among us, this reality is having little noticeable effect, but when added to all the other "Ops" being run upon the population it probably contributes a bit to the ominous dread that something awful is happening.

There is of course another possibility: that there are fake alien invasions planned and we needed to allow mainstream acceptance of UFOs in order to make the fake alien invasion more believable when they tell us we need to stop polluting the planet and give up our weapons and be collectivists.
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There were but there aren't any longer. Full stop; no evidence (for either claim).

You lost me there which I can't imagine is surprising. ;)

I'm going to ramble a bit and try to get you more lost.

Put yourself in the position of an agent, an entity (human or otherwise) with a perspective on humanity that involves deep time. Thousands, 10s of thousands of years or more. What do you want humanity to evolve into and why?

A creature is a product of its environmental niche. For a species to survive and thrive it must exist on the edge of death and starvation. It requires continuous cyclical pressure and challenge from the environment to cull the herd. Either too many bunnies or too many snakes is a problem for both bunnies and snakes.

Humans have taken control of their environment with tech eliminating selective pressure or challenge and with this progress trap the species devolves. The organism becomes weaker. This is the technological process of transhumanism that began 10s of thousands of years ago when we started wearing clothes and building fires and making spears.

Technology makes the organism physically weaker.

As we wait patiently for the birth pangs to begin for the birth of our 2nd child... We find that almost all doctors push C-sections. Perhaps this is so they can get it over with and get on with their golf game. But how can the human head size increase if we rely only on natural birth?

With CRISPR and similar technologies, we will be able to modify the organism to the extreme.

Now if we have no niche where we exist on the knife's edge balance between life and death, and we have no limitations on body modification or cranial volume, and we have nothing to "cull the herd"... what will humanity become? Probably more diverse than dog breeds. We might be at the beginning of a neo cambrian explosion like event where various threads of former humanity originate.

Humanity is currently split in two: a predator class and a domesticated sheeple class. The predator class is diverse and contains some decent ranchers that want to improve their stock as well as some cruel bastards.

The Aliens themselves likely view us as cultivated stock.

If you are an Alien with virtually unlimited energy you face the same progress trap we face: how do you eliminate? How do you cull? How do you resist the organism becoming weaker if there is no sufficient challenge to your existence?

I am focusing on the physical organism but there is also the psyche to consider. How do you have an organism or species with strong psyche, mental fitness, sanity, stability... unless you also have a challenging environment that eliminates those less fit?

In short, the clown world we see descending upon is us what happens when clean water is too easy to find.

Suppose you exist in the next layer of simulation above this one and your goal is to build a better a diverse set of agents or discover what new types of structures evolve given different initial conditions. Suppose Earth is one of your experiments. You prepared your petri dish and waited the required 12,000 years for the new batch to mature and you might be interested in how this sample of humanity turned out.

Suppose that you wanted to dial up the empathy and dial down the aggression on this crop so you introduced Jesus and you used some cynical Romans who thought this would make the people both easier to rule as well as better warriors on the battlefield.

We are involved in experiments within experiments and nobody truly knows what is going on except that everyone is trying to figure something out at all levels of reality and as such they are testing, probing, sampling... letting the samples grow for a while before harvesting and culling and starting a new experiment.

The United States was an experiment as well.. an experiment in having people governing themselves and permitting class mobility. That experiment is almost over.
Curt Jaimungal T.O.E - Diana Pasulka Episode just dropped today.
So I did what I always do for Curt J or and Lex Fridmans podcasts, I go straight to the show notes. .."What did they cover?..."
Tell me this doesn't read like agenda topics per Gov marching orders:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:24 Diana's journey from "atheist" ⇒ "agnostic" (with respect to the phenomenon)
00:07:17 Nuns who saw orbs, every night, then prayed...
00:11:45 What are "beliefs"?
00:12:27 Atheists who believe in God
00:19:50 Spiritual vs Religious (and the Secularization thesis)
00:22:58 UFOs (or the belief in) are like a religion
00:29:37 Psychedelics and religion
00:37:01 Getting flack because of covering the phenomenon
00:39:42 To the skeptics: it's rational to believe in UFOs
00:47:38 Atheism is NOT like a religion, though it can be dogmatic
00:49:18 It's false to say "religions tell you what to think"
00:55:03 The case for dogma
01:01:06 Heidegger on technology not being just another tool
01:06:04 Heidegger and Jacques Vallée
01:10:03 Why do those who study the phenomenon tend to be Catholic?
01:13:49 How the Vatican views UFOs
01:15:12 Are religious stories interpreting UFOs, or are we interpreting UFOs materialistically?
01:20:05 Near Death Experiences, UFOs, and Dean Radin
01:22:35 How the CIA / DOD / etc. work (the nefarious strategies)
01:26:57 What Diana uncovered, that she shouldn't have
01:29:45 Roswell and the Promethean myth
01:31:10 The dangers (and reality) of CE5
01:33:48 Bob Lazar is considered credible by many, behind the scenes
01:36:02 Protecting yourself against disinformation
01:38:08 Academic Openness vs. Governmental Closedness
01:42:39 SpaceX, and writing in Latin for "them"
01:48:18 The president is a "short timer" (this is why he / she isn't told the truth)
01:49:02 Who is Tyler? Why is he significant?
01:50:48 Does the gov't believe they understand what's behind UFOs?
01:52:01 We're dealing with MULTIPLE phenomenon, not just one
01:52:51 Biblically accurate angels
01:55:26 Physical evidence pertaining to purgatory
01:57:36 What's the point in collocating UFOs with religion?
02:02:10 Who is the modern Heidegger?
02:05:21 Jung and UFOs
02:08:00 Plato's Cave and the view that certain people have shackled us
02:12:54 Sangha as The Answer to deception
02:18:46 Rediscovering meaning, Heidegger, Weinstein, and the TOE project
02:22:09 Experiential vs Analytical approach to understanding God
02:24:52 Lovecraft, and the perils of an "open mind"
02:27:14 Epistermic Shock vs Ontological Shock
02:38:10 The importance of Sangha
02:41:21 [Juliano Vargas] Reconciling religion with ET (and does ET believe in a Supreme Creator?)
02:42:15 [Numb Her Two] How has Diana's faith been affected?
02:44:27 Why does the Hitchhiker effect occur?
02:45:32 Angels... Demons... What is the THIRD (religiously interpreted) option?
02:46:45 Rosicrucianism and Gnosticism
02:50:52 Kurzweil's Singularity / Omega Point / UAPs
02:55:14 Jung and the UFO archetype (continued)
02:56:10 UFO hearings (May 2022)
03:00:23 [Tupacabra] Catholic Church, Remote Viewing, Thomas Campbell, and Jacques Vallée
03:05:54 Podcasts being sanctioned behind the scenes for disclosure #DisTOEsure
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Curt Jaimungal T.O.E - Diana Pasulka Episode just dropped today.
So I did what I always do for Curt J or and Lex Fridmans podcasts, I go straight to the show notes. .."What did they cover?..."
Tell me this doesn't read like agenda topics per Gov marching orders:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:24 Diana's journey from "atheist" ⇒ "agnostic" (with respect to the phenomenon)
00:07:17 Nuns who saw orbs, every night, then prayed...
00:11:45 What are "beliefs"?
00:12:27 Atheists who believe in God
00:19:50 Spiritual vs Religious (and the Secularization thesis)
00:22:58 UFOs (or the belief in) are like a religion
00:29:37 Psychedelics and religion
00:37:01 Getting flack because of covering the phenomenon
00:39:42 To the skeptics: it's rational to believe in UFOs
00:47:38 Atheism is NOT like a religion, though it can be dogmatic
00:49:18 It's false to say "religions tell you what to think"
00:55:03 The case for dogma
01:01:06 Heidegger on technology not being just another tool
01:06:04 Heidegger and Jacques Vallée
01:10:03 Why do those who study the phenomenon tend to be Catholic?
01:13:49 How the Vatican views UFOs
01:15:12 Are religious stories interpreting UFOs, or are we interpreting UFOs materialistically?
01:20:05 Near Death Experiences, UFOs, and Dean Radin
01:22:35 How the CIA / DOD / etc. work (the nefarious strategies)
01:26:57 What Diana uncovered, that she shouldn't have
01:29:45 Roswell and the Promethean myth
01:31:10 The dangers (and reality) of CE5
01:33:48 Bob Lazar is considered credible by many, behind the scenes
01:36:02 Protecting yourself against disinformation
01:38:08 Academic Openness vs. Governmental Closedness
01:42:39 SpaceX, and writing in Latin for "them"
01:48:18 The president is a "short timer" (this is why he / she isn't told the truth)
01:49:02 Who is Tyler? Why is he significant?
01:50:48 Does the gov't believe they understand what's behind UFOs?
01:52:01 We're dealing with MULTIPLE phenomenon, not just one
01:52:51 Biblically accurate angels
01:55:26 Physical evidence pertaining to purgatory
01:57:36 What's the point in collocating UFOs with religion?
02:02:10 Who is the modern Heidegger?
02:05:21 Jung and UFOs
02:08:00 Plato's Cave and the view that certain people have shackled us
02:12:54 Sangha as The Answer to deception
02:18:46 Rediscovering meaning, Heidegger, Weinstein, and the TOE project
02:22:09 Experiential vs Analytical approach to understanding God
02:24:52 Lovecraft, and the perils of an "open mind"
02:27:14 Epistermic Shock vs Ontological Shock
02:38:10 The importance of Sangha
02:41:21 [Juliano Vargas] Reconciling religion with ET (and does ET believe in a Supreme Creator?)
02:42:15 [Numb Her Two] How has Diana's faith been affected?
02:44:27 Why does the Hitchhiker effect occur?
02:45:32 Angels... Demons... What is the THIRD (religiously interpreted) option?
02:46:45 Rosicrucianism and Gnosticism
02:50:52 Kurzweil's Singularity / Omega Point / UAPs
02:55:14 Jung and the UFO archetype (continued)
02:56:10 UFO hearings (May 2022)
03:00:23 [Tupacabra] Catholic Church, Remote Viewing, Thomas Campbell, and Jacques Vallée
03:05:54 Podcasts being sanctioned behind the scenes for disclosure #DisTOEsure

Thanks for the link. I’m going to listen.
Doesn’t read like gov marching orders to me… those would be:
1) Why we should be afraid of this alien threat
2) Why we need to come together as a global community to address this threat
3) Why the good aliens need our help to save the planet by reducing CO2 emissions, turning in our weapons and switching out diet to plants and bugs.
Thanks for the link. I’m going to listen.
Doesn’t read like gov marching orders to me… those would be:
1) Why we should be afraid of this alien threat
2) Why we need to come together as a global community to address this threat
3) Why the good aliens need our help to save the planet by reducing CO2 emissions, turning in our weapons and switching out diet to plants and bugs.
Full disclosure I must admit I come in with a huge bias. I'm real salty about Pasulka. I can't disagree with your retort, however,
I think I meant my criticism along the lines of: "Here's the approved/complete-non-conspiratorial dogma for each of the following../"
Pasulka screams 100%-handler-approved to me. And my whiney ass would be more than happy to be proven otherwise and jump in both feet to her narrative, but she sounds a Steven Spielberg UFO movie character. I think Diana Pasulka minus whatever is her government handling would sound like Heather Heying. And i think if Heather Heying ever sold out to a government agency, she would immediately start sounding like Diana Pasulka.