IDK I listen to her hereFull disclosure I must admit I come in with a huge bias. I'm real salty about Pasulka. I can't disagree with your retort, however,
I think I meant my criticism along the lines of: "Here's the approved/complete-non-conspiratorial dogma for each of the following../"
Pasulka screams 100%-handler-approved to me. And my whiney ass would be more than happy to be proven otherwise and jump in both feet to her narrative, but she sounds a Steven Spielberg UFO movie character. I think Diana Pasulka minus whatever is her government handling would sound like Heather Heying. And i think if Heather Heying ever sold out to a government agency, she would immediately start sounding like Diana Pasulka.
and had a very diff takeaway... more along the lines of " here's someone who may be telling the truth."
Do they talk about lou elizondo? he's kind of a litmus test character for me in this whole thing. I got the impression that diana is not a elizondo fan... but I don't know that for sure. if she is that would score major points for me :)