Russ Allen, Kyle Allen, Marty Garza, UFOs and ET |566|


Russ Allen, Kyle Allen, Marty Garza, UFOs and ET |566|
by Alex Tsakiris | Aug 23 | Others
Russ and Kyle, Creators of Brothers of the Serpent have done a deep dive into UFO/ET with Marty Garza.
Re: Simulation Theory
Breshears hints a lot at the idea/possibility that "we" created this/a sim for ourselves as a safe space to study or further some discovery of sorts. His idea is that it would must be a replica of the "real" Earth" realm...
Kinda something like the movies where you gotta go back in time to figure something out or change something.. The movie 'The Arrival' master-pieced this idea, where in aliens 1000's years advanced come back in time and trade/leave us some technology so we'll be able to build a solution to their future challenge...

So, listening to this episode, I extrapolated/anthropomorphized this idea into:
What if our whole existence is a think tank?
Doesn't feel like it to me. To me it feels like we're here to learn.. and yes probably learn something that will be beneficial in/to a higher realm.. But to me it feels like the reason the skills we learn hear are useful here is not only so we can use them elsewhere, but that there's actual vitality/life to our her/now experiences which lives forever.

I often feel assured that I may have been a self-centered king/ruler in a past life, and that part of my educational course here is to learn the value of just being one of billions of people. This is a constant tip-of-tongue concept for me. Like I'm here to experience it but might still not even fully understand it in this life time.

Along those lines, the aliens may just be here running on a different set of rules or parameters? Such as: Bigfoot must always be blurry.. and Aliens must never hang out with normal-sounding people.

Like why don't comedians get abducted, or get to tour the space craft? Their reports would be hilarious and 100% clear.
But no. Our abductees always either start out or come away with some degree of shadiness.
That part doesn't add up to me.
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One of the most impressive things I found from Marty's superb research is the pattern through history of these beings giving individuals correct information then betraying them

When one takes such data into account, it should make people question the agenda of such a being when they have a seemingly benevolent daimon communicating with them...

To me, Alex, Marty, Kyle and Russ epitomise the correct humility in the face of the data, whereas Anthony Peake is by the opposite end making dogmatic, unfounded claims.

To paraphrase what I wrote of this dynamic in the previous thread:
Peake is asserting that a daimon is the higher self, giving one helpful information. But he's ignoring a lot of evidence for daimons appearing accurate and then betraying the person they were communicating with. Marty Garza's ufosodes on Brothers of the Serpent podcast goes into this in detail
Other significant aspects of what appears to be going on:

One faction of "ET"/"gods" (e.g. Prometheus) giving technology to humans which then backfires on humans

Another faction of "ET"/"gods" (e.g. Zeus) trying to withhold tech from humans and actively culling humans

So as Alex touched on, maybe it's not "good" and "evil" ET, but rather that these terms don't even make sense from a higher perspective regarding many of the UFO beings' interactions with humans.

E.g. it's a very limited analogy, but to deer in a forest, maybe the humans culling them appear evil, but the humans doing the culling are really wanting what's best for the deer population in the long-term...
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Alex's question at the end: "what is the agenda?... What is this whole UFO / ET thing all about?"...

I think a highly significant data set is from mythology. As Russ mentioned, Enlil vs Enki. And as Kyle said, the Tower of Babel story. Another is the conflict between Prometheus and Zeus with humans being dominated in the middle. For what it's worth, here's an excerpt on Wikipedia about Prometheus:

'In Greek mythology, Prometheus [...] a Titan god of fire.[2] Prometheus is best known for defying the gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge, and more generally, civilization. In some versions of the myth he is also credited with the creation of humanity from clay. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and for being a champion of humankind,[3] and is also generally seen as the author of the human arts and sciences.[citation needed] He is sometimes presented as the father of Deucalion, the hero of the flood story.[4][5][6]

The punishment of Prometheus as a consequence of the theft of fire and giving it to humans is a popular subject of both ancient and modern culture. Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, sentenced Prometheus to eternal torment for his transgression.'
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To me it feels like we're here to learn.. and yes probably learn something that will be beneficial in/to a higher realm..

I agree

Like why don't comedians get abducted, or get to tour the space craft? Their reports would be hilarious and 100% clear.
But no. Our abductees always either start out or come away with some degree of shadiness.
That part doesn't add up to me.

Yes. Why don't the UFO beings (say) reveal themselves over every major city on Earth for many hours over a few weeks. If they really had the desire and capacity to give a message, why not that?...

It seems to me that they either don't have the desire or capacity (maybe both)...

Lack of desire: Maybe they're toying with humans / purposefully deceiving us. This would fit with the data from recent ufology, many of the "daimon" entities that people are reportedly communicating with as Marty shows, and it fits with mythology - e.g. the first few lines of Hesiod's Theogony, in which the Muses appear to be teasing Hesiod, when they say that they might be telling Hesiod the truth or they might not be...

Lack of capacity: given that the UFOs seem to have such vast superiority over any country's military, and considering there are a huge number of UFO flights reported every year around the world, it seems likely that the UFO beings have the capacity to make an undeniable, global mass-sighting over major cities over weeks, months, years, if it were up to their own devices. But if there is more than one ET faction, that there's (say) a truce between these factions not to intervene too much, then this could help explain the data

I think it's probably a combination of lack of desire and lack of capacity to fully reveal themselves. That's what the data from ufology and mythology suggest
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Elizondo and co reckon it’s basically factions of ET throughout history manipulating us. Religion as a cargo cult etc.

He said we should be somber if we knew the full extent. From this, you could infer that we are trapped or serve as something like livestock for some factions.

I’d imagine that the truth is a fair shade more complicated than the above, but Peter Levenda with “Sekret Machines - Gods, Man and War” makes an interesting case. Probably not much that would come as surprise to many here, as it’s basically a more elaborate ancient aliens theory. But still interesting as these people are close to the intelligence community with what’s been going on with disclosure the past 5 years, so that’s something.
Great show Alex! Been listening to the Snake Bros for several years, like others. Marty really adds to the content with his series. I love the deep dives they take. Fascinating rabbit holes but also very solid data and research. Also - I’m a Patreon supporter for 50 Dollar Dynasty. Highly talented group, totally under rated and such a great set of minds making amazing music. Snakes! Ha ha… sorry. Crossover “inside baseball” but you know, if you know.

Alex, your show keeps getting better all the time. Thank you.
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Alex's question at the end: "what is the agenda?... What is this whole UFO / ET thing all about?"...

What is this whole UFO / ET thing all about? Sometimes it seems like the intent of the phenomenon is to elicit a behavioral response to their presence. What that suggests to me is a type of psychological study, and that study seems to have been going on for generations, manifesting itself in all manner of paranormal phenomena.
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What is this whole UFO / ET thing all about? Sometimes it seems like the intent of the phenomenon is to elicit a behavioral response to their presence. What that suggests to me is a type of psychological study, and that study seems to have been going on for generations, manifesting itself in all manner of paranormal phenomena.

That's an interesting angle. It reminds me of what Alex said at the 18:30 timestamp in the interview: the UFO phenomena are lying, the deepstate is lying, and we're lying to ourselves

Just to add, it's the high strangeness, sometimes totally absurd-sounding aspects of UFO reports, that I struggle with. Assuming at least some of these reports are genuine, what does the high strangeness mean?...
PS: and like Jacques Vallee said, there's a pattern that witnesses were often not reporting the most bizarre aspects of UFO encounters to police, because they didn't want to come across as crazy
Elizondo and co reckon it’s basically factions of ET throughout history manipulating us. Religion as a cargo cult etc.

He said we should be somber if we knew the full extent. From this, you could infer that we are trapped or serve as something like livestock for some factions.

I've watched a few interviews with Luis Elizondo, but because of his purported psyops background, that he seems to have appeared out of nowhere and been promoted so heavily by the msm... it's extremely suspicious to me

So I tended to tune him out... Nevertheless, you're saying Elizondo says the UFO beings own us like in Bramley's Gods of Eden book? (the snake bros did an excellent deep dive on this book btw)
About the timestamp in the interview 41:00
MK-Ultra sub-project 39, re serial killers and mind control... The realisation of how far some people in government go, indicates the range of possibilities of what might be going on with trying to replicate UFO mind control capabilities...

I think many people shut out such data points, because it's too disturbing for them... Especially the assumption that someone's mind is their own and can't be controlled. UFO encounters don't support that assumption though