Steve Taylor, On Scientism, Spirituality and Going Softly |500|

I like all of this, as it is a deep dive for sure! Patternism is an interesting religion. Perhaps its Book of Revelations is Sacred Geometry. I kind of like what Mike Tyson said, something on the lines of: greatness is doing what you hate like you love it. I think different extremes are worth experiencing if one wants to sail in a sea of perspectives. See what it is like to set and achieve extremely difficult goals, but don't let the process consume you. Also, feel what it is like to be a careless bum who doesn't think about shit. Certainly, I don't believe that life is "evolving" to some kind of pinnacle of greatness. The patterns are always changing, but this is all for the joy of both, many and one.
I got to say you had me reeling with that quote so I looked it up:

"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.” — Mike Tyson
Thanks for your comment. —Though “play” (rather than “work”) is the feeling on posting yesterday.

BTW — If you haven’t yet had a chance to check out the links provided, one I do recommend is the David Crosby / Byrds Turn! Turn! Turn! tune. I never expected that it would end up accompanying me to the extent and depth that it has since I posted yesterday. —a seemingly simple tune, and yet … I’m still riding the wave of nostalgia it's set in motion…

For sure, brother, I will do that! Likewise, listen to this in a dark, quiet room! Mind blowing!

I got to say you had me reeling with that quote so I looked it up:

"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.” — Mike Tyson

Discipline is knowing how to prepare a hot dog to taste better than fillet mignon! :)
haha... well, JP, you go right for the jugular don't you :)

I still have this very clear memory of walking out into the kitchen after this was over and telling my wife, "you won't believe what just happened."

more like …right for the jocular

“Laughter is a reflex, but unique in that it serves no apparent biological purpose; one might call it a luxury reflex. Its only utilitarian function, as far as one can see, is to provide temporary relief from utilitarian pressures. On the evolutionary level where laughter arises, an element of frivolity seems to creep into a humourless universe governed by laws of thermodynamics and survival of the fittest.”
~Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation: Book I: The Art of Discovery and the Discoveries of Art: Part One: The Jester: The Logic of Laughter: The Paradox of Laughter, p. 31

—which is probably the reason Skeptiko episode #237 Dr. Patricia Churchland Sandbagged by Near-Death Experience Questions ranks #3 on my list—through its (unintentional) comedy, it actually bursts their humorless biological-robot bubble.

Your Skeptiko audience is forever indebted to you as the catalyst for such a creative Big Bang against the opposition’s dark void.
With their Divide and Rule game apparently working according to plan, fat chance of any change to that...

As far as the inclination to “remain asleep and dream forever”…
—what about the alternative? , i.e., —to instead awaken and dream?
With their Divide and Rule game apparently working according to plan, fat chance of any change to that...

As far as the inclination to “remain asleep and dream forever”…
—what about the alternative? , i.e., —to instead awaken and dream?

I hear ya, bud. I just think this entire "woke" and "wakeup" bullshit is being overplayed. The pendulum needs to swing in the other direction, so I started the "sleep" movement. I like to start a board meeting that way. In affect, I make a fist, raise it high enough to knock Prometheus out of the sky, and then vehemently slam it toward the table with the force of 13 dinosaur extinguishing meteors. Just before it hits the conference table, I open my fist and let it land as gently as a stray dove feather, and say.....sleep!
I like to start a board meeting that way. In affect, I make a fist, raise it high enough to knock Prometheus out of the sky, and then vehemently slam it toward the table with the force of 13 dinosaur extinguishing meteors. Just before it hits the conference table, I open my fist and let it land as gently as a stray dove feather, and say.....sleep!
As uncle Joe advised, “Follow your …“ blast?
I enjoy so much about this podcast, but was flabbergasted by the Jim Morrison stuff. Almost no rock musicians can read music. The Beatles didn’t dnt and neither did Jimi Hendrix or Nirvana or Notorious BIG or anyone really. Classical music and jazz, yes, but not pop music. These wacky theories only take away from the credibility of the other topics discussed.
I enjoy so much about this podcast, but was flabbergasted by the Jim Morrison stuff. Almost no rock musicians can read music. The Beatles didn’t dnt and neither did Jimi Hendrix or Nirvana or Notorious BIG or anyone really. Classical music and jazz, yes, but not pop music. These wacky theories only take away from the credibility of the other topics discussed.
what is yr opinion on Dave McGowan and the Laurel Canyon military intel insta-star thing?