Worth watching:
Well everywhere has a longer history - but can you be specific as to what I got wrong in my account?Sorry David. Your characterisation of events in Ukraine is misguided. While it is true that the West has played a role, the description you give is highly debatable (and that is putting it politely). There is a longer narrative which extends back at least to the 1930s, and the whole region has a much longer history which still resonates in today's events.
That is very interesting, because looking back on that incident, it seems obvious, particularly in retrospect, that whoever used those chemical weapons it wasn't Assad! Why would he make one small use of the weapons - just enough to invoke Obama's red line? I think it was ISIS or related people who did that to try to pull America in on their side.
Did he discover that information by psychic means - do you have a link?
I have tended to assume that Obama was restraining the US military, but you seem to be saying the opposite.
"We spent 500 million dollars training 60 Syrian moderates. They were captured in the first 10 minutes..."
In June it became official NATO policy that a cyber attack could be considered an Article V invasion. This is funny since the U.S. hacks and spies on its own NATO allies (even Merkel's cell phone).
"In the context of the June 14th NATO announcement that cyberwar is on the same status as physical war, Obama might declare the U.S. to have been invaded by Russia when former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails were copied by someone in Russia."
In the latest astounding episode of stupidity, the Obama administration publicly discusses the plan to "covertly" conduct cyber-attacks on Russia.
Since Cyber-war now equals shooting war in the eyes of NATO and our administration, this is essentially an open declaration of war on Russia.
Cyber warfare is the perfect opportunity for false flag: very few people in the public (or even government) understand how hacking works or what it means to spoof an IP so they will believe whatever the authorities say with no proof.
A false flag attack on the banking system could be used to rob millions of people of their wealth, declare a bank holiday, and convince them to accept a new form of digital currency which will be sold as "unhackable" but will be centrally controlled. And such an attack could be blamed on Russia or any other group without proof leading to the justification of kinetic actions.