Do you keep them as pets - with names? Tell us more about this!
Yes, I do keep them as pets with names. Thanks for asking, I am quite passionate about these phenomenal creatures. The fascination began with me as a young kid of about 10 years. The neighbor, across the court, brought over a garter snake. Immediately I was mystified by this creature. I couldn't even think of it as an animal. From the flicking of the forked tongue to the limbless, yet graceful and highly decorated body. The skin felt smoother than silk, and the snake wasn't aggressive at all. I remember thinking to myself, intently, "How is this thing able to move without legs or arms?"
Nevertheless, my mother did not feel the same way as I did! She went absolutely ape shit about the snake being brought over to the house. Questions about: was it poisonous? Did it bite me? How could I associate with such evil?- etc. You see, I grew up in a very Christian family. In fact, our family was so incredibly Christian that we were not allowed to celebrate, let alone attend school, on Halloween. We were so ridiculously Christian that we had to attend Church EVERY Sunday. I can understand her perspective, as she was the mother of five children, I being the second eldest. My mother was and is a good mother, despite the fact that she accidentally gave birth to the demon that is me. :)
I would say this esoteric appreciation of my deviation from Christianity, by my mother, began when I was 7nth grade. I wasn't the kind of kid that easily fit in, at home or at school. Regardless, even if you are a weirdo, you develop the understanding for competition as the means of survival when you are in a family the size of mine. So there I was, competitively giving my all on the field of an "Ultimate Frisbee" match during physical education in the 7nth grade. I could clearly see it in front of me, running for it, was about to catch it, then SLAM!!!!!
I blasted this poor girl to oblivion, but at the same time I felt as though I was hit by a nuclear bomb. I did not mean to run into her, as my eye was on the Frisbee, but I couldn't move my arm and was in incredible pain. My good Christian mother was called to the school, drove me to the doctor, and discovered that I had fractured my collarbone.
After the bad news at the doctors office, and the odd brace that I was fitted with, my mother took me to the pet shop. She bought what was called a "ribbon snake" for me. That is similar to a garter snake, but slightly slimmer. Though the pain was nearly intolerable in my arm and below my neck.....this still became one of he happiest days in my life! I never thought my mother would do this for me because she was so afraid of snakes!
Naturally, I was enamored with this creature. I fed it minnows and/or small goldfish. I was fascinated by how it swallowed its food whole, as well as how its head and body stretched like a sock to fit its food. One day, he had disappeared from his cage!!!!! I couldn't find him anywhere in my room. I was so sad! At the time, being the good Christian kid that I wanted to be, I sat down on the bed and asked God, "God, please show me where my pet is. PLEASE!"
Immediately, God replied without speaking, "Under the lamp on your desk."
I went to that lamp with the white, round base, and the strange metal framework that made it look like a crane to me. I picked it up....and there was my ribbon snake!!!!!
This was only the beginning of the reality that I was indelibly attached to these creatures.