What I'm hearing here is that man got/gets duped into New testament Christianity.
Man works in symbol , thoses symbols carry the meaning. Star Wars with the Evil darth vader and the good Luck Star Walker aligned with the force , these caracters coencide with ideas that are held metaphysically and are expressed in the story. The story to me is pretty stupid yet to many the they can relate.Was any body being duped here?
Christianity took hold because it represent(ed) Metaphysical ideas and dilemmas. The actually facts (was Jesus nailed to a cross? i think not), don't matter.
It should be obvious the Mind of man will create stories that are going to express what what is going on inside , again who's being fooled. i guess we could say -- if we confuse symbols with the emotional/ intellectual reality with actually what's behind them...and by the way this Alien theory falls into this category as well.
I like this talk, Ted, but if we are going to think of everything in terms of symbols, including Aliens, we might as well be ordering Chinese food without legible interpretation.