Yvonne Kason, NDE Awakening |592|

Wormwood seems to be saying that he's got the feeling we don't really commit everything to Earthly existence, if I understand it correctly. This is why I strongly support the idea of a soul, which remains in lofty realms, but can take a fleshy body existence if it so wishes. I liken it to sticking a finger into jello & when the time to have a dense body is over, the finger is retracted. This crude analogy comes from the many accounts that I've read of the "silver cord" that mystics report. As a person dies, his/her etheric body & the others exit the fleshy one until the time comes for the cord to be broken. The soul, which journeys through astral, emotional, mental, & spiritual levels to the Divine, is then "reunited."
Rob Schwartz said in a Utube interview that Earthly existence puts a very distinct, recognizable "energy signature" on one's soul. The souls that have this are particularly admired & respected in the spiritual realms. The interviewer, Emmy Vadnas, said, "Yeah, us!" in response to this idea from Rob. Yet, I can see the futility of impressing other souls, if this conjecture is true. Why would any soul want to earn a "badge of honor" if you had to go through an incarnation as a child who is raped repeatedly after being sold by her mother into a satanic cult?
I totally agree.
My current suspicion about the good/evil dialectic is that in order to learn and gain deep experience good needs evil and likewise evil needs good. Otherwise you get the bland experience of being good to good people or being bad to bad people.
Some of my deepest most teaching experiences in my life have been ones where I treated good people terribly. Should I go back in time and change it if I had the chance?

So on the flip side of the badge-of-honor token, how would we imagine the “bad people“ are regarded on the other side? Are they pitied? Or are we thankful to them for playing the part none of us wanted to play? Or dare I wonder if they’re regarded highly for it as a sacrifice?
I’m empty handed here because I don’t know how karma is carried over nor how reincarnation carries over goals.
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Wonderful questions! I'll parrot some more of Schwarz's talk. As many others do, he supports the soul group & says they range from 15 to 25, but he's heard of one of 75. The "contracts" also involve expected roles you & other members of your group intend to play. These roles can serve to discharge karmic bonds formed in the past, so if you were an abuser of someone, then the roles can be reversed: the victimizer becomes the victim. The soul group to me explains d`eja' vu (please forgive the sloppy accent markings), which I've had in situations w/ ppl & places many times. I've always been fascinated w/ why you can hit it off w/ a complete stranger after a few minutes, while someone you've known for years remains distant. There's an M.D. who wrote a book about groups of ppl that appear in history, play their parts, exit & reappear. One group he discussed were America's founding fathers. He also points to astounding physical similarities that can carry from one incarnation to the next, like Jeffrey Mishlove strikingly resembles William James, the seminal writer of the first American psychology encyclopedia. I'll see if I can dig up this author's name.
I could go on & on, but one author, an anthropologist named James G. Matlock, is a good place to start. I liked one story he told of a one-armed man in S.E. Asia who was born that way b/c he had several lives in which he manually labored exhaustively, so in order to avoid that possibility, he chose to start life w/ only one arm. This dramatically backs Schwarz's assertion to not judge ppl's current set of conditions, from alcoholics to the wheelchair bound. They may be exactly where they chose to be & "helping" them may be entirely the wrong thing to do. It's like the woman who became disabled by disease & no longer walked, but in her dreams, she always walked unaided. I think maybe she's like the NDErs who can see while nearly dead or in a coma, but in "normal" consciousness, they're blind.
One other author, Tom Lombardo, did an interesting job of illuminating good & evil. One of his illustrations came from one of my all-time favorite movies, "A Clockwork Orange," in which he discusses the quandary posed by a priest. He objects to the aversive therapy that Alex, the gang leader, is subjected to. Being drugged & trained to become incapacitated by nausea when enraged or sexually aroused doesn't make Alex good b/c his free will or choice re: how to respond has been blocked. Is this "evil" method masquerading as "good"? Is someone who can't choose to be violent really a wise way to rehabilitate a killer & rapist? Aversive therapy has been proven to not work for converting gays & lesbians to heterosexuals, BTW.
Just to plan contrarian, i could argue that in the higher realm you might be able to get a near equivalent to experiential knowledge from simply "viewing" a replay of someone else's experience, like a download. I generally assume this is what's happening when people report past lives.

Thanks for sticking around so other people like you (and myself) don't get lonely.
Dude, I found that M.D. pretty easily that writes about reincarnation evidence. He's Walter Semkiw. He's got at least 2 UTube interviews.
Dude, I found that M.D. pretty easily that writes about reincarnation evidence. He's Walter Semkiw. He's got at least 2 UTube interviews.
Thanks. I enjoyed the interview. I currently (until convinced otherwise) have my feet planted at the perspective that it's possible that person could be reincarnated with a past life memory and similar physical characteristics looking like the person via second-hand experience of that life time aka download someone elses experience. And while this isn't an argument against their reporting, I find it very valuable to consider if we really want to get to the bottom of it.
For instance. I always forget the name of the NDE'r who Alex points out insists "If you didn't see Jesus in your NDE it was the devil......". Well I wouldn't place any less value in that guys confidence than I would place on the confidence of the child who swears their past life was first hand experience.
And no, I'm not actually playing devils advocate here. I find it to be very serious business to eventually learn what we can about this stuff while trying not to be too affected by the bias that comes along with the excitement.
But if i wanted to play devils advocate...
Couldn't one argue it to be equally or even more likely that an individual would download someone else's experience and enjoy it so much that they want to piggy back onto it???
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Thanks. I enjoyed the interview. I currently (until convinced otherwise) have my feet planted at the perspective that it's possible that person could be reincarnated with a past life memory and similar physical characteristics looking like the person via second-hand experience of that life time aka download someone elses experience. And while this isn't an argument against their reporting, I find it very valuable to consider if we really want to get to the bottom of it.
For instance. I always forget the name of the NDE'r who Alex points out insists "If you didn't see Jesus in your NDE it was the devil......". Well I wouldn't place any less value in that guys confidence than I would place on the confidence of the child who swears their past life was first hand experience.
And no, I'm not actually playing devils advocate here. I find it to be very serious business to eventually learn what we can about this stuff while trying not to be too affected by the bias that comes along with the excitement.
But if i wanted to play devils advocate...
Couldn't one argue it to be equally or even more likely that an individual would download someone else's experience and enjoy it so much that they want to piggy back onto it???
Glad you liked Semkiw's interview. That's a mind-blowing idea about downloading another's experience; what makes it interesting to me is that may be another way to explain supposed cases of spirit possession. I've watched a lot of videos of therapists who rely heavily on "spirit releasement" techniques to some that consider spirit possession or interference to be rare. How do you decide who's got the best handle on that idea?
One therapist, I believe it's Crabtree, who claimed he'd found "spirit possession" in the case of a young man who was being impaired by his living mom! That credible to me if you understand the level of normal "psychic" interaction that goes on.
That downloading concept reminded me of a strange (to me) young man who was in some of my first year college classes. In a pottery class that we both took, the young instructor was quite handsome & charismatic. Most of the time, attendance was quite high. Over time, I noticed that the guy had taken to dressing & wearing his hair in a manner that was undeniably like the pottery instructors. Someone brought that up once, which confirmed what I'd noticed & it embarrassed the instructor, but he shrugged it off as no big thing. I don't think it's too much of a leap to think that a very seriously enthralled person might want to take on every aspect of another person's existence.
That downloading concept reminded me of a strange (to me) young man who was in some of my first year college classes. In a pottery class that we both took, the young instructor was quite handsome & charismatic. Most of the time, attendance was quite high. Over time, I noticed that the guy had taken to dressing & wearing his hair in a manner that was undeniably like the pottery instructors. Someone brought that up once, which confirmed what I'd noticed & it embarrassed the instructor, but he shrugged it off as no big thing. I don't think it's too much of a leap to think that a very seriously enthralled person might want to take on every aspect of another person's existence.
Johnny Depp portrays this phenomena beautifully in that his preparation for roles affects his own personality, which goes on to affect the personality of future character roles, and so on..
Captain Jack Sparrow
Hunter S. Thompson

In my 20's I personally watched the movie Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas so many times that I could almost imagine recalling it as a past life, maybe if i survived some brain injury or something. And that's just after effects of a meat-brain recording entertainment experience. I assume after-life/pre-life experience is vastly more direct, precise, lasting, encompassing, etc. than is the experience of mortal life.
But again, I don't actually mean to argue with any certainty that this is the case for past lives. I'm just saying it must be adequately considered if we take the inquiry seriously.
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Johnny Depp portrays this phenomena beautifully in that his preparation for roles affects his own personality, which goes on to affect the personality of future character roles, and so on..
Captain Jack Sparrow
Hunter S. Thompson

In my 20's I personally watched the movie Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas so many times that I could almost imagine recalling it as a past life, maybe if i survived some brain injury or something. And that's just after effects of a meat-brain recording entertainment experience. I assume after-life/pre-life experience is vastly more direct, precise, lasting, encompassing, etc. than is the experience of mortal life.
But again, I don't actually mean to argue with any certainty that this is the case for past lives. I'm just saying it must be adequately considered if we take the inquiry seriously.
Johnny Depp is a very impressively talented actor. The range of his successful roles highlights that. I read somewhere that he imitated The Rolling Stones's Keith Richard's voice & mannerisms for his Cap. Jack Sparrow role. If you like autobiographies, consider reading Richard's. I don't know how he survived such a long history of heroin abuse plus multiple attempts to "kick the habit." It may have been that he used legal sources provided by the U.K. that were very pure.
If you're a dream enthusiast like I am, then consider some direct experience w/ the astral plane using your dreams. Michael Sheridan, who's associated w/ Aisling School of Dream Analysis, says dreams take place on the astral plane, so that's an easy way to make use of that 30% of your life spent sleeping. Assuming you don't know already, a reliable method for increasing dream recall, for me, takes two things: recording all dreams that you remember & telling yourself sometime before sleeping that "I want to remember 2 dreams" or whatever rate you'd like to have recall. You don't have to tell yourself this right before bed, but most any time during your waking hours. One other tip about dream recall is to write them down ASAP after waking; if you must wait a while before writing them down, a good habit is to scribble down a few key notes to jog your memory later. After 2 years of almost daily dream journal writing, the symbols, reappearing characters, house/outdoor settings, etc all work together to give me ways to understand my mind & other aspects better. Enjoy!!
wow... thx Kim... much to dive into [[p]]

nice! I think you're pointing to something really important here... ie we got to be really careful when we accept some of these ideas like " the veil ." I had never really thought about it until you pointed it out. I think you're absolutely right... if anything we have just as much evidence that the veil is paper thin [[p]]

I will definitely give a listen... I'm pretty skeptical going in as it sounds a little bit like back door materialism. hey, inquiry to perpetuate doubt [[cb]]

Again, thanks for the link. as I'm sure you know there are tons of theories about the propulsion systems of ufos/uaps

have you listened to his Ryan Bledsoe's pod?
17: The Chris Bledsoe Regression: Part 2 Bledsoe Said So
Wow! I can see how Chris had to pull his son, Ryan, back a bit, as he mentioned he did in a Sevan Podcast interview. So, Ryan contends that The Lady that shows up on Easter is The Lady of Fatima, The Lady of the Sycamore, The Lady of the Lake, as well the goddess Hathor of Egyptian fame. I have yet to find the prophecies conveyed to the kids by the L. of Fatima, but she clearly brought a mixed bag of tricks to that visitation. Showering the crowd w/ multi-colored radiation seems a bit too theatrical for Hathor, but I'm just beginning to dig into this. My bet is that the L. of Fatima was another being akin to some that Ted Owens dealt w/ or even Whitley Streiber.
I wonder if Whitley would interview Chris Bledsoe? Wouldn't happen actually unless Chris changes his stance toward UFO conferences, Arcturians, & the Lizard ppl.
That's too bad about Ray Stanford. He's the type who'd not be above doing some cheating if it benefited him. I wonder how long before Mishlove gets wind of all that bad history?
Hey Alex, I was the listener who emailed you awhile back inquiring about a Dr. Peter Fenwick interview.

Along those lines and if you don't mind - when was the last time Skeptiko interviewed Dr. Pim van Lommel? Any possibility he could be on the radar to return to the show to discuss his existential views on non-local, endless conscioussness - and talk about his 2nd place winning submission to the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies contest? His 40 page essay was excellent and is linked here (direct PDF download) for anyone who hasn't read it and would like to. Towards the end of the paper he highlights a varying/wider range of phenomenal experiences that he suggests are rooted in non-local consciousness (shared-death experiences, peri-mortal/mortem experiences, shared after-death communication, etc). Could make for interesting listening to hear Pim speak on these types of lesser known but no less phenomenal experiences (that don't get covered in typical NDE-themed interviews), and on how they can best be interpreted within the existential framework outlined in his book and essay.

My favorite Thanatology/NDE researchers (Ring, van Lommel, Fenwick) are all really getting up there in physical age and part of me doesn't want to see the point come where we'll no longer hear from them again publicly (either due to their age or passing on), the other part of me accepts the circumstances for what they are.

Thanks Wolf. Sorry for the very late reply. Great suggestions! I'm on it!
Well I wouldn't place any less value in that guys confidence than I would place on the confidence of the child who swears their past life was first hand experience.
And no, I'm not actually playing devils advocate here. I find it to be very serious business to eventually learn what we can about this stuff while trying not to be too affected by the bias that comes along with the excitement.
But if i wanted to play devils advocate...
Couldn't one argue it to be equally or even more likely that an individual would download someone else's experience and enjoy it so much that they want to piggy back onto it???

hey RobE... love the spirit of what you're saying, but most of what I've encountered about the reincarnation science data would seem to contradict this conclusion. The reason everyone references the reincarnation science data set is that they seem to have controlled for a lot of these things.
hey RobE... love the spirit of what you're saying, but most of what I've encountered about the reincarnation science data would seem to contradict this conclusion. The reason everyone references the reincarnation science data set is that they seem to have controlled for a lot of these things.
I don't think you're catching how far out I am on this idea. I'm not saying what if you watched a sports-replay of someone else's life and afterward reincarnated confusingly assuming you had lived it. I'm proposing the idea that a whole life could be downloaded, down to each individual breath. In this case I can't imagine how any control would differentiate..
While this idea isn't super helpful to speculate in regard to simplifying the picture, I think I could stand firm arguing it can't be ruled out.

For a analogy, this would be equal to the difference between Neo (in The Matrix) (A) watching a bunch of Bruce Lee movies, VS (B) actually downloading Kung Fu..
In case (B) Neo actually learned kung fu. And to a degree that no control would differentiate
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