I totally agree.Wormwood seems to be saying that he's got the feeling we don't really commit everything to Earthly existence, if I understand it correctly. This is why I strongly support the idea of a soul, which remains in lofty realms, but can take a fleshy body existence if it so wishes. I liken it to sticking a finger into jello & when the time to have a dense body is over, the finger is retracted. This crude analogy comes from the many accounts that I've read of the "silver cord" that mystics report. As a person dies, his/her etheric body & the others exit the fleshy one until the time comes for the cord to be broken. The soul, which journeys through astral, emotional, mental, & spiritual levels to the Divine, is then "reunited."
Rob Schwartz said in a Utube interview that Earthly existence puts a very distinct, recognizable "energy signature" on one's soul. The souls that have this are particularly admired & respected in the spiritual realms. The interviewer, Emmy Vadnas, said, "Yeah, us!" in response to this idea from Rob. Yet, I can see the futility of impressing other souls, if this conjecture is true. Why would any soul want to earn a "badge of honor" if you had to go through an incarnation as a child who is raped repeatedly after being sold by her mother into a satanic cult?
My current suspicion about the good/evil dialectic is that in order to learn and gain deep experience good needs evil and likewise evil needs good. Otherwise you get the bland experience of being good to good people or being bad to bad people.
Some of my deepest most teaching experiences in my life have been ones where I treated good people terribly. Should I go back in time and change it if I had the chance?
So on the flip side of the badge-of-honor token, how would we imagine the “bad people“ are regarded on the other side? Are they pitied? Or are we thankful to them for playing the part none of us wanted to play? Or dare I wonder if they’re regarded highly for it as a sacrifice?
I’m empty handed here because I don’t know how karma is carried over nor how reincarnation carries over goals.